Friday, December 31, 2010

A Foggy Day

Today is a foggy day. I like the fog ~ that is, when I am not in a rush to get somewhere; as it does make traffic more hazardous. But when I don’t need to go places, I can truly enjoy it...

The fog puts a veil over the world. It brings home the fact that we cannot see everything that is going on with us or around us with crystal clarity all the time. There are ‘foggy days’, and these are those times that perhaps we are best off sitting back, taking a deep breath, waiting for the fog to lift ~ waiting for that time that we can see further and more clearly again...

To me, the foggy days are magical.

The fog hides those things we are not supposed to see right now, making our world smaller, giving us the opportunity to focus on the things we can see ~ things that are closer to us; things that we may have taken for granted... And while it is doing that, it gently cleanses all that is there ~ the things that are so close to us we can see them, as well as the things further away that we cannot see... The fog gathers on the branches of the trees, the blades of grass ~ but also on the houses, the cars, the fences around the park across the street; and as the drops of water fall to the earth, they take with them all that is no longer needed ~ all dust, all dirt, all that was weighing us down.

And just as the actual fog cleanses the physical world ~ the energy of the fog cleanses inner world, our energy...
It allows us to turn inward, where it veils the things we may have lingered on for too long, and the things that may worry us even though they may still be in our (perceived) future. It allows us to step back from these things ~ and as we get less caught up in them, we may even decide to release them...

And then, as the fog lifts, the whole world is new!
The air is clean, the colors are different, everything seems brighter than it was before!

Not only in the physical world we live in can we see more clearly and enjoy the fact that we can easily see for miles around us. This is also true for our inner selves. With our energy cleansed and our focus back on our priorities ~ not only do we feel lighter, we can also see the path we are walking; our unique, personal path with much greater clarity...

Yes, a foggy day is definitely magical!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I feel sluggish during the Winter months, especially when an unending, all pervasive drizzle makes the short days even shorter and when the temperatures dip below comfort levels. On those days, the temptation is to make a big pot of coffee and curl up on the couch with a book. To simply wait for things to change...

I usually resist that temptation.

Even though there just doesn’t seem to be enough energy to go around ~ there is still work to be done, things that need to be taken care off. There is simply no time to indulge and follow that urge to step back from it all.

Of course there are any number of ways to handle the sluggishness. To get the energy up and moving. To be productive ~ even on those days.
Here are a few:
Make a conscious decision that you will not give in to the sluggishness.
Go for a walk or a run, to get the energy moving.
Change the lights in your house with ‘full spectrum’ lights.

But what if we look at the Winter season, with its short, dark, dreary days from a spiritual, even shamanic perspective?
Then the energy of Winter is an energy of introspection. An energy that invites us to step back from it all, to be with our Selves. An energy that prompts us to take time to allow ourselves to look at our innermost wishes and desires in order to plan how we might manifest these into our lives over the next year.
In other words, the short, dreary, sluggish days serve a purpose!

Of course it wouldn’t work for us to step back from our day to day lives completely ~ to let ourselves go, to hide; to hibernate in a sense throughout the Winter.
Yet, on those day that we do feel ‘sluggish’, rather than pushing on with our busy lives ~ we may want to re-evaluate if that really is our best option. Working with the energy of Winter, we may well do better allowing ourselves time to sit back ~ even to curl up on the couch ~ in order to be with our Selves so that we can become aware of the things we want to achieve over the next year. In order to plan ahead.

If we would do that, we would probably find it easier to keep our ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ ~ after all, we have already put some thought into it, and with any luck we have a plan in place as to how we want to go about bringing our New Year’s Resolutions into our lives permanently...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Reality Shows

I have been watching a number of reality shows ~ or rather documentaries ~  on TV where people who are fairly well-off were followed when they were taken out of there regular environment and placed in a community where people are struggling to get by.
The rules are that for ten days, these people need to find jobs or help out as a volunteer someplace of their choice so that they can meet ‘the other half’ of society. After ten days, they then make themselves known and help out those organizations or people who make a difference in their community.

The most interesting thing to me is that, after the initial shock of leaving the lap of luxury behind ~ all of the people seem to experience much more of a sense of community than they are used to while living their own lives. And as they themselves are portrayed as someone who just moved into the neighborhood and now need to find a job ~ usually in an area where openings aren’t as abundant as one would hope ~ they also find that the people they meet are quite willing to share what little they have; just to help another human being...
And in each of these reality shows, that is the second shock the person who is followed through this process gets to deal with ~ sort of like a one-two punch...

It brings home the fact that people hardly ever are who or what they seem to be.

This is true in day-to-day life, as well as when we look at the circumstances and situations we ~ or other people ~ may find themselves in. The things that are easy to comprehend to one person, can be some kind of ‘abacadabra’ to the next. Situations that are incredibly hard to handle for one, may be a ‘piece of cake’ for another...

From a spiritual perspective it boils down to the fact that ultimately no-one knows what karmic package any other person has taken on for this life experience what lessons to learn, what realizations to come to, or discoveries to make about themselves.

What it does tell us is that we shouldn’t judge people as we don’t know where they are coming from, what they are coping with and so on.
And then it is not just about the judgements like ‘he is rich’, or ‘she is poor’, good, bad, lazy, a workaholic and on and on...
It is also about the judgements that say: ‘I understand that he/she is in a difficult situation, but why aren’t they just doing this or that to change their lives around?’ Or: ‘Why can’t they see that it is their own behavior that gets them in that situation...?’

Truth of the matter is that the other person may not know how to handle the space he or she is in right now ~ but unlike the reality shows on TV, we do not know what is at play...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The List

Do you know that feeling of being so overwhelmed by all the things you need to do, that you have a hard time starting on any one of them? Or the sense that you really want to start a project that is important to you, and as you want it to work out perfect, you are waiting for the ‘right time’?

These are two of the most common reasons for having a hard time reaching our goals...
And the solution for either one of these, although for each in a different way, is to create a list.

As soon as you start listing all the things you need to do, you can stop remembering them. You can stop juggling them in your mind, telling yourself repeatedly that you really shouldn’t forget to do this, make that call, or send that email... Because now that it is written down, you have a piece of paper to fall back upon.
Also, reading the list of things you have written down on the piece of paper, you usually quickly discover that some of those items are more important than others ~ in other words, now that the list is written down, it becomes easier to prioritize again.
With your priorities becoming clear, you know what needs to be done first and the feeling of overwhelm fades...
And as you finish the tasks you wrote on the list, you get to what some will say is the best part of working with a list: you can scratch it off your list!

Creating a list for a project that you want to happen in its perfect timing works slightly differently, yet often just as effective. Now you may want to list all the steps you need to take to start, or even complete the project. The planning of it, what materials you may need for it, how you would like to see it being supported by others (And how you will tell those other people about it...) ~ all the way to what happens when the project is completed. And, maybe even more important, how you would feel about your project when you have done it, and have been successful at it!
And perhaps without even realizing it, in creating this list you have started your project...

Because the thing about ‘waiting for the right time’ is that there will always be things that are happening that may get in the way; that you want to do first; that seem more important...

Yet if this project really is important to you, then the time to do it is now! And a good way to start with it is to create the list.

What would you write down on your list of things to do, or steps to take?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Planning and Preparation

When working with the energies of the seasons, each season has its own specific focus. And as we move through the cycle, gradually the focus of the energies, and therefore our focus shifts.
In nature, the seeds that nestled in the fertile soil in Fall, prepare during the Winter, germinate and grow roots and sprouts during Spring, mature during Summer ~ only to drop their seeds in Fall; and these seeds will start the cycle all over again.

With the Winter season on our doorstep, this is an ideal time to look what seeds we may have scattered in our lives... What do we want to grow in the garden of our lives in the next cycle of the seasons?

As it turns out, there is no better time to plan and prepare or that which we want in our lives than the time starting with the Winter solstice and moving through January 1st. The Winter solstice bringing forward the energy when nature really starts preparing itself, while us humans come up with our New Year’s Resolutions on New Year’s Eve or January 1st.
These ten days in between the Winter solstice and the start of the new year is a magical time during which we can benefit from both ‘points of energy’ to plan and prepare for the things we want in our lives ~ to set our goals.

On average there are five areas in our lives that we may want to bring new things into:

  • Our relationships.
  • Our financial situation.
  • Our work situation.
  • Our living situation or home.
  • Our own personal growth.

It is a good idea to evaluate each of these areas as to whether it is bringing your the things you need or desire to have in your life ~ and then use this ten-day period of time to set new goals...

If, for instance, we would like to improve on our financial situation, we start by taking an honest look at our current financial situation, and then we would set ourselves a specific goal. Come up with the amount or number that would make your life truly and significantly better!
Having done that, you start looking at how you can make it happen for you. What do you need to do or change to reach your goal?

You start planning and preparing how you are going to go about it for each of the goals you have set for yourself, for the next year. This may involve taking on a new study, or working on your confidence to finally ask for that raise you have felt you deserve...

You don’t have to take the physical steps yet ~ but you set up the structure through which you can bring that which you need and desire into your life!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


An affirmation used to just be a declaration that something is true. In this point in time, however, an affirmation is more often thought of as a statement of something we wish to have in our lives...

As such, affirmations have become a tool we may use when working with the Law of Attraction. The affirmation would then be a carefully worded statement that reflects our positive thoughts about whatever it is we want to bring into our lives.
An affirmation is stated from the perspective of ourselves already having it in our lives right now ~ and then, as is stated in the Law of Attraction, we can attract more of the same into our lives...

There are four points to consider in order to craft effective affirmations:

  • It needs to be in the present tense.
  • It needs to be personal.
  • It needs to be positive.
  • It needs to be specific.

This means that a good affirmation often will start with “I have ...”, “I am ...”, or “I will ...”. And whatever it is that follows that needs to make sense to you. It doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks about it ~ after all, it is your affirmation!

The hardest one for me is to be specific.
For instance, using the following statement as an affirmation may not attract to you what you had in mind: “I am enjoying an ever growing wealth, I am wealthy”. As you crafted the statement, what you had in mind may have been money. Yet the affirmation can also attract a wealth of experiences into your live. Or even the things one may visualize when thinking about wealthy people, like handsome men, beautiful women, fast cars, big mansions, etc. And that is totally okay ~ as long as your intent wasn’t for the affirmation to help you attract funds to pay next month’s bills...
In other words, working with affirmations you have to call a spade a spade! If it is money you want to attract into your life, you should use the word ‘money’ in the affirmation.

It is always a good idea to create an affirmation that you can relate to with a visualization as well. And there too, it is good to be specific! If your visualization is a big river of money flowing by you, chances are that the money you attract into your life will do exactly that; as you get more money, you find yourself having greater expenses as well...
A better visualization might be a nice big magnet...

When you have crafted the affirmation that is in the present tense, is positive, personal, specific, and has a nice visualization to go along with it ~ you start using it.
You tell it to yourself. You write it down. You start or end your meditations with it...
And pretty soon you find that you are indeed attracting that which you are affirming!

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Law of Attraction

In short, the law of attraction states that like attracts like. It functions from the premise that in your thoughts and statements you should always stay on the positive side of things in order to attract more positive events in to your life. Therefore, you are well-advised to stay away fro a statement like ‘I need money’ as that would leave you always needing money... Whereas ‘I have enough money to fill my needs’ would ensure that you indeed will always have enough money in your pocket.
It is the same for affirmations. After all, you don’t want to affirm a negative into your life.

It means that it is important how you state what you would like to have in your life...
It also means that you have a way bigger influence as to what your life looks like than you might have thought before!

And that is as much good news as it is bad news.
The good part is that, as you have the ability to shape and form your life to a greater extend as you would have thought ~ you can actually change your circumstances into something you might desire to have in your life. The bad news is that if you can influence the things happening in your life, it is up to you to to do so!
It is all about taking responsibility!

But what if you are really careful about how you put your needs into words ~ thinking positive thoughts, affirming your desires properly ~ and it still doesn’t happen?
does that mean that the law of attraction doesn’t work, or is there something else going on?

Those that purposely use the law of attraction to shape their lives may tell you that there is one thing that is as important, if not more important than thinking the right thoughts and saying the right words...
And that is that you need to honestly believe that what you are saying or thinking is true. You cannot con yourself into believing it ~ you need to really believe it.
That means that if you are saying ‘I have enough money to fill my needs’ you have to be convinced of that, even if you have only a fiver in your wallet...

So, ultimately it all comes down to your belief system. About what you believe to be true about the world around you, about work or jobs, about relationships, and most importantly, about yourself.
Do you respect and esteem yourself, do you value yourself, do you believe you are good, and honorable, loving, and compassionate?
Do you believe that you are worth the very best you can imagine?

Then the law of attraction shouldn’t hold any secrets for you...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

If you love it, set it free...

It is a proverb: “If you love something set it free; if it returns its yours forever, if not it was never meant to be.” And, with a slight variation a quote attributed to the author Richard Bach: “If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.”

The principle is that holding on is something that is done by mutual agreement. No matter how much you love it, both sides need to fee the same way, or else it is not going to work. It is easy to see how this can play out in relationships ~ not just partner relationships, but also relationships with kids, parents, jobs, etc. They all follow the same principle where holding on too tight eventually will block the growth that comes from moving forward with it.

To me the more interesting perspective is that, as least according to the proverb, this also holds true for things... So how does that work?

From an energy, or even spiritual viewpoint it tells us that if we are holding on too tight to the things we own, no matter how much we love them (cars, houses etc.), we will eventually block our ability to move forward with it.
In a sense it is a similar perspective to the one that says that in order for something new to come into your life, you need to create a space for it to be. So if we are holding on to what we already have and are unwilling to let go of it ~ we are blocking ourselves from moving forward to an even better version of whatever it is we are holding on to.

Whichever way you look at it, it implies that it is a good thing to take stock every once in a while. To really look at the things in your life you are holding on to, and to ask yourself if they are still serving a purpose in your life. To ask yourself if it is still something you desire to have in your life at this point in time, or whether its only reason for still being there is the fact that you just never set it free...

According to the proverb, the reassuring thing is that if you do set it free, if it is truly yours ~ in other words if it does still needs to have a space in your life right now ~ it will return to you and be yours forever!

And maybe if you love it, and set it free ~ it will even come back into your life as a newer, better, brighter version of that which you were holding on to in the first place!

Friday, December 3, 2010


It always amazes me how everything changes when it snows. The obvious things are the temperature, the fact that the snow turns nature from its greyish brown, late Fall colors into black and white ~ or totally white, depending n how much snow is there. All of a sudden there seems to be a lot more light as whatever faint Winter’s sunlight is there gets reflected by the snow.

But it goes a lot further than that.
A couple of hours after the first snow has fallen, the removal of it from highways and freeways is in full swing. Sand or salt are spread on the streets, which, combined with the carefully moving traffic turns the once white flakes into a muddy slush, before it eventually disappears. Or at least that is what everybody who needs to go places and do things is hoping for. The worst case scenario would be for the slushy substance to freeze up again ~ but let’s not go there...

Indoors the heater is purring away. My heater burns natural gas to heat the house. I like that. It means that you can get close to the heater to get really warmed up. It is also as close to instant warmth as you can get; turn it up, and there it is.
The disadvantage is that while it is nice and cosy right around the heater, the farther you get away from the heater, the colder it gets... So with hot tea close at hand, I make sure not to wander off too often.

The cats are not amused. This cold white stuff that gives way when they walk on it, that they cannot properly dig into ~ that doesn’t actually allows them to bury their droppings ~ is no fun. As of now, the litter box is still no option ~ I wonder how long they will brave the weather before they give in and stay in the relatively warm kitchen instead of braving the cold...
There has been snow for a couple of days now, and already the cats are bored. Not willing to get out, they burn their energy chasing each other around the house.

It seems that as soon as the first snow changes the atmosphere, it signals that the time to turn inwards has arrived. To look back at the goals you reached, or maybe didn’t reach... To evaluate whether to set these same goals for yourself, or if there are other, different, maybe even more important things to achieve.
To start pondering and planning as to how to go about reaching the new goals you set for yourself.

Or to just gaze out the window ~ watching it snow...