Friday, June 28, 2013


There are many advantages to writing.

Writing is a manner to put words to your feelings; when writing nebulous plans and vague ideas get firmer outlines. You can write a ‘to do list’ from which you can cross off all the things you have accomplished already. And when you write about the things that are bothering you, by entrusting them to paper ~ or the computer as the case may be ~ you put them outside of yourself. And by doing so you can gain perspective.
Then there is the writing of stories. To just let the words flow as they are painting the picture of your imagination. Creative writing. Sometimes this can be a mental exercise, yet it can also be an intuitive process through which the whispers of your mind float to the surface and are strung into a tale...

And perhaps most of all ~ once the words are written they will not be forgotten. You don’t have to remember, they are right there for you to get back to whenever you need them.

There may not be quite as many ways in which to write ~ but here too different ways have different advantages...
Nowadays almost all writing is done digitally. On computers, tablets and smart phones. It is fast, simple and easy to read for anyone. As opposed to some handwriting.
Yet anything that is handwritten has a tendency to convey emotion as well as the intended message ~ the words. Even though the handwriting can be easily recognized, when a person is excited it looks slightly different from when a person is calm, cool and collected. And this effect can be greater or smaller depending on what instrument is used to write with. To me ballpoint written text has less ‘extras’, less ‘energy’ than for instance text written with pencil of a fountain pen.
Yet perhaps what has most impact are words written in our environment. Graffiti, for instance. Even though it often doesn’t look good and is pasted on surfaces where it shouldn’t have been painted on; it does have an impact. It evokes emotions in those who see it.
Or words or shapes written in de soil. For instance on the beach, where they will almost always be temporary... Words written with low tide will disappear when the water returns, washing the message into the sea.

Words that are written can spell powerful messages ~ after all, the pen is mightier than the sword. But then again, perhaps even more important is how it allows us to express ourselves. In our personal and very private diaries. Or for the whole world to read.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Disc Drive

Today the CD drive on my trusty computer gave out. It went from ‘a little iffy’ a long time ago, to ‘downright flaky’ since a couple of months, to pretty much dead.

Of course there are solutions ~ either replace the built in drive, or work with an external drive. And many people may tell me that in this day and age there are entirely different solutions to record, back-up, or store / save your files. Like an external hard drive, or ‘the cloud’. And while this is certainly true, I find myself being ‘old school’; I like something tangible. And perhaps even more important, a lot of my clients like to have that CD they can pop into a CD player or computer to listen to what has transpired. So while I may not have planned to decide on these kind of things right now, yet here I am...

It does make me think on what that drive represents though.

In essence it allows me to commit little bits and pieces of information to an extension of memory. Once  that CD has been burned, I can forget about that particular information as I know how and where to retrieve it from. This is not only very convenient, it is also a way to stay sane. (It can’t be healthy to have all that in your mind... It is what computers were invented for in the first place, right?)

So as this drive has something to do with memory ~ I am wondering what breaking down has to tell me... It could be that the old way of committing things to memory isn’t efficient anymore. That it doesn’t work for me anymore. Or perhaps the information I am dealing with calls for a different kind of ‘back-up’. Conceivably not quite as mental; more intuitive.

It has been said in many (spiritual) teachings that the answers lie within us. It is already there, without external intervention. Just a matter of awareness to gain access...

Without a doubt our memories are working differently in the energy of this point in time. We more and more tend to remember just that little bit of information we need right at that time, while the rest of the knowledge ~ the things we cannot use right there and then ~ remain ‘forgotten’. Unless we have a drive to remember; a desire to remember so strong that we can recall everything we ever experienced.
But for most of us, that what we need to remember, that specific piece of knowledge turns out to be right there at the moment we need it.
As if we have just pulled it down from ‘the cloud’...

Friday, June 21, 2013


It seems more and more people suffer from allergies in the energy of today. Whether they affect the sinuses, breathing, or digestion ~ in one way or another there seems to be a reaction of our bodies to ‘something’ it doesn’t like.

It is said that in our world at this point in time there are too many ‘unhealthy’ things. Like dust, food that is a far cry from how it was raised or grown ~ not to speak of the radiation from radio, TV, cell phones, WiFi etc.
Yet the interesting thing is that the more we worry about those kind of things, the more susceptible to allergies we seem to become. That then would indicate that our thoughts, our thinking, is part of the picture...

This raises the question what it is that makes one person experience an allergic reaction to something, while another person living in the same environment doesn’t seem to be affected at all.

Now I am not saying that ‘it is all between your ears’, or ‘it is all in your head’. It is not quite as simple as that. However, the more we fear the ‘unhealthy’ aspects of society ~ the harder it is to stay balanced, or to regain our balance once we have lost our footing.
On the other hand, if our mindset is that we can live healthy, productive lives in the existing environment ~ that we can adapt to the circumstances we live in ~ it seems that our balance gets stronger.

And if a strong footing, a balanced existence, is part of the picture ~ then there are a couple of obvious   things that might aggravate something like allergies, independent from what kind of allergy.
First and foremost, stress has to be part of it. The more stressful our lives are, the more precarious our balance becomes.
Also, the differences between a holistic perspective on our health, and the advice we may receive from our doctors can create a confusion that in essence does more harm than good...

Whichever way you look at allergies ~ it seems that they come up as soon as our bodies start experiencing an ‘overload’, an ‘overwhelm’ situation. When our system encounters so many impulses in such a short time ~ whether they are physical, emotional, or mental in nature ~ it starts to react.
In essence it tells us to take a step back and look at what is happening. Where does this overload occur in our lives? And what steps can we take to relieve the stress it put unto our system?

When we do that, chances are we can recapture our balance to such extend that allergies are no longer part of our lives.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Some of the memories I have seem to go back to before my current life experience. They are a mixture of color, of light, temperature, and even scent ~ all wrapped into a very specific energy with a clear marker as to the type of experience I once had.
These memories often are shamanic in nature. Spiritual. Of age-old teachings that were important to me at that time, that place ~ and even if I don’t exactly remember when or where; the memory is clear.

When one of those memories comes up in my mind ~ whether it happens in a dream or in a meditation; if it is something I am looking to recover, or whether it comes unbidden ~ there is an almost immediate yearning to recapture that experience. To connect again with the other people involved ~ if I have any recollection of them at all...

I can have a similar yearning for the handful of people that really have made an impression on me on my path through life. There are not that many of them, yet those that are were ~ and obviously still are ~ very important to me as they even now are pulling me back through time and space into that experience from long ago.
Experiences that invariably have a certain ‘goodness’ about them. There is an innocence, a purity associated with them. A beauty. A sense of respect. A true, deep friendship.

It is this ‘goodness’ that is hard to find in the world today. That true connection with a kindred spirit and the shared experience that we had ~ as now, in this day and age, the deepest bond we create with others is not necessarily in person, but more often than not through digital means. Through cell phones, the internet, and social media.

In essence one could say that our modern day associations are more mental. Less personal in the most literal sense; less of a physical, person to person association. And with that we tend to reduce our sensory input. The lighting, colors, temperature, scent, the touch of one person to the other that used to convey an enthusiasm, a support ~ they are not as important as they used to be anymore.
We, as humans, are becoming more and more visual and auditory creatures.

And while that in and of itself is not a bad thing ~ I for one feel that deep, powerful yearning for that full sensory experience of way back when, and the ‘goodness’ that was part of it...

Friday, June 14, 2013

How did I get here?

Every once in a while I have one of those days that I look back and wonder ‘How did I get here?’.
I know which schools I went to. But quite frankly, for the most part I remember the energy of the experience a lot better than my teachers and classmates.
Granted, there are a couple ~ both teachers as well as classmates ~ that I still do remember, yet for the most part I can see the classroom filled without seeing the actual people sitting at the desks. Let alone remembering their names...
That in itself, I don’t think of as something negative ~ or positive. It is just something that fails to connect in my memory.

It is funny though, it is not just kindergarten, or primary school. It is the same for high school and even for trade school where I studied to become a goldsmith. For some classmates I can actually see their faces, yet without their names fitting into place...

Looking back at those long gone days (and comparing how my Mom can remember pretty much all of her classmates, as opposed to me...) I can’t help but wondering whether it has something to do with the sense I have always had of ‘not fitting in’, of being the ‘odd one out’; being there, partaking in the activities and yet at the same time being separate from it.
Especially then I had trouble relating to life in general in the same way everybody around me seemed to do so naturally. And they didn’t understand me, just as I didn’t comprehend what they were about.

And life goes on. I gained understanding of the world around me, I learned to tune into the people I met enough to know where they were coming from. That way I could connect with them and relate to their perspectives.

Yet even remembering all my travels; I can clearly see all the places I have been. But then I have no clue as to when I was there exactly, and the faces of the people I have met seem to be blurred.
It is like my memory is very specific. It holds onto energies, and to a certain extend to places ~ but it doesn’t necessarily grasp the people I crossed paths with.

This ‘spottiness’ in how my memory functions leads me to the question: ‘How did I get here?’.
I know many people I have met have helped me grow. They have helped me become the person I am today.
And while I may not remember them or how I have moved on to the place I am at today ~ I am truly grateful for to every one of them, and every experience they have brought into my life...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Whether we go on a log trip, or only have a brief sojourn ~ all vacations have one thing in common; we step away from our day to day activities in order to have some fun, to take a rest, and in a way to recharge ourselves.

Yet the word in itself has a lot to say about what vacation is all about; It seems to have a lot to do with the verb ‘to vacate’ ~ meaning to leave, or to make empty.
The question then becomes what we are leaving behind; what are we making ourselves empty of.

When you see some spring break video’s on YouTube, it seems that in some instances what some vacationers leave behind is their good old common sense...
Something else most leave behind while vacationing is our day to day schedules ~ the times we wake up, the routine to get to work, coming home, doing chores. All those things we leave behind as they are part of our ‘regular lives’ rather than our vacation.
And finally, the thing every vacationer really really wants to leave behind, or even vacate themselves from, is stress. At least the stress that is associated with our busy  day to day lives; as research suggests that vacation in itself can be a source of stress all its own.

In a sense, looking at the word vacation form its most literal perspective, taking some time to ‘vacate ourselves’ from those things that burden us is a good thing. It allows us to take a step back, to see what is really happening in our lives, to decide what is truly important to us. And then, what we take back from vacation is the knowing of exactly that: what is and what isn’t important to us. Coming home to our regular lives we then have a choice to act upon that knowledge.

Another benefit from stepping out of our every day environments in order to vacate ourselves ~ to release the things we no longer need ~ is that this in and of itself not only relieves us from our burdens, it also creates a new space. And this space, all new and clear, provides us with openings to start doing new things. To explore new avenues. Embark upon new adventures ~ not just during our vacations, but perhaps especially in our day to day lives...

And it is these new avenues and adventures that can bring a sparkle into our lives even long after we came home from our vacation...

Friday, June 7, 2013

A new balance

It seems that nothing happens quite the way it used to happen; nothing works the way it has in the past. Even the energy around us is different and new.
And it all is inviting us to renew ourselves. To do things differently. To make things happen in our lives in a new way.

In a sense most of us are searching for this new way; this different way that is going to work better for us in this new energy.

So we are perhaps looking for a new and different job. Maybe we find ourselves forced out of a job that in reality is not serving us anymore. Or a relationship that ends unexpectedly...
In other words, if we don’t seek out changes ourselves ~ there is a distinct possibility that the universe will force them upon us. Sometimes in a very bizarre manner...

And while these changes ~ desired or not ~ are taking effect, it may well be most difficult to regain our balance. To find a new balance. To get our feet firmly on new ground, in a new way.

Part of our challenge to find balance could be that ‘balance’ is something that is innate. Our balance has been with us from before we were born, and from there it has expanded throughout our childhood, our youth ~ and into adulthood. Until we now find that the premiss on which we have been building our balance for all of that time is not true anymore.
And while we may have thought at times that our balance could use some work at times, nothing has truly prepared us for this total redo of ourselves, our balance included.

At least part of that balance lies in the opportunity we are given in this new energy to re-invent ourselves. To step back and look at our lives to see whether the things we grew up with, our values, our beliefs are still things that we want as part of our lives.
It is the ultimate chance to evaluate whether we believe the same things our parents believed in; have (still) the same values our parents taught us. For any number of beliefs or values we grew up with the answer is that they are still fitting our lives. Yet there are in all likelihood also quite a few things that ~ while they worked for our parents ~ don’t work for us. Don’t help us in our lives. Or even feel downright ‘untrue’ to us.

Our new balance will be built on the foundation of our very own values and belief system ~ on the new, re-invented person that we are becoming in this new and wonderful energy!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Betrayal comes in many forms, some worse than others.
But one way or another it is a feeling that can stick with you for a long time ~ even when what happened is something we resonate with more than being a part of it at that moment.

Sometimes it is an ‘innocent’ indiscretion. A confidence that is betrayed, sometimes without the person even realizing they are doing something wrong...
This can happen when the secret is embarrassing, heavy, or even painful to the person keeping it; while for the other person it is something unimportant, or perhaps even humorous. Certainly not something to be secretive about.
In other words, it is very individual what is considered important, what is a secret, something to only be told in confidence. And while others may not understand what exactly makes this particular situation so important, they definitely should respect this sense of importance.

An other kind of betrayal is backstabbing. An intentional act or interaction that is meant to hurt the other person. When this is done by a (relative) stranger, it is hurtful and unpleasant no matter what the situation is, or where it takes place. When it is done by a friend, it may well be something that is unforgivable and will likely spell the end of a friendship.

Then there is the betrayal that ~ whether it is done by a family member, a friend, or a stranger ~ results in bodily harm or even death. Apart from the physical damage, this of course also does a lot of emotional damage. And it leaves scars and memories that can haunt many life-times; and can even be the cause of ‘unexplained’ behavior that comes out of nowhere ~ that is when the memory is triggered in one way or another...

The ultimate betrayal, however, is when parents betray the trust of their children.
Our parents are the ones we turn to for protection, for love, for nurturing. As children we turn to them when we are sad, hurt, or scared. Yet when a parent is the one that scares us; who hurts us... we are left to our own devices and often end up with an inability to trust anyone we will come across during the remainder of our lives.

Whichever form it takes, betrayal begs the question what is in it for the person feeling the need to betray someone else.
And this often has to do with a sense of power and domination ~ and on some occasions with getting back at someone else in the worst possible manner. It has to do with coming out on top at whatever cost.