Friday, April 16, 2010


We all want to be recognized to a greater or lesser extend. And although the spotlight in a popular game show on TV, or even the spotlight of an important scientific breakthrough or accomplishment can be kind of overwhelming, or even frightening to most people ~ pretty much all of us sort of expect to be recognized and greeted by an acquaintance when we bump into each other on the street...

And with this vast sliding scale from ‘fame and fortune’ to simply saying ‘hello’ to each other ~ recognition is an interesting word to ponder.

On the ‘fame and fortune’ end of the scale, recognition comes with a toll to pay. It often means that life becomes more public; putting privacy at a premium. On the other hand, in the situation of that moment, money may be available ~ and with that the luxury of, for example, high class hotels and fast cars...

On the ‘saying hello to each other’ end of the scale, life is as private as we want it to be. Other than friends and family, no-one is interested in how we choose to live our lives.

In a work or job situation, recognition takes on yet another meaning.
If the work we are doing is not recognized as a ‘job well done’ by our boss or our customers ~ we may eventually find ourselves being out of work.

While we may not be going after ‘fame and fortune’ necessarily, a certain amount of recognition is needed to function in our world.

The difference is that this healthy, even needed recognition is not just tied to our personality; it is tied to our abilities. To the things we do, to the services we have to offer...
It is the recognition that allows for others to call upon us when they need our help. The recognition that permits ourselves to be ‘out there’; to show others what we have to offer.

To make known to the world around us what we desire our unique spot to be in our community...

If not for this specific type of recognition, we would be hermits!
Whether we would live off by ourselves in a deserted area, or the next block over ~ if who we are and what we have to offer to the world is not recognized, the result is the same.
We are on our own.

This points to yet another side of recognition ~ our recognition of others. To recognize and say ‘hello’ to friends, yes ~ but also the recognition of the abilities of others.
Sometimes it is easier for us to recognize an ability someone has than it is for themselves! Through this recognition we can then support the other person; help them recognize what they have to offer to the world!

Pondering recognition it seems to me that whether one desires the spotlight, or the privacy ~ through recognition we can help ourselves and support others.

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