Friday, May 28, 2010

We are not alone...

And as I write this, a number of decidedly different approaches to this statement come to mind. The first one in the movie ‘Contact’ where Jodie Fosters character follows it with: ‘Because that would be a terrible waste of space...’

A lot less ‘far out’, but in many respects as hard to wrap our minds around, is the fact that we are not alone as we are alive here on earth. And I can just hear you think: ‘Duh...’
But it is not the world population that I was thinking of, although we are certainly not alone in that respect either. However, there are two more perspectives on us ‘not being alone’.

The more obvious one is that we share the earth with nature in all its shapes and forms. And whether we see ourselves as custodians or as part of a grand whole ~ one can even call it Gaia ~ we are not the only ones to whom the earth is ‘home’. Some even say that Gaia, the earth as a whole, is a living organism in its own right, and that humanity is only a tiny part of that life form.

Still, this is all from a physical perspective. The earth, nature, humanity ~ we all have shape and form and yes, take up space.

And then there are the etheric beings.
They may not take up physical space, but they are no less real. The Angels, guides and etheric teachers that help us on our personal path, that light our way, and sometimes lighten our load... Etheric animals, or totems; the familiar spirits that protect us...
Also the fairies, sylphs and gnomes, the Deva’s we may sometimes see from the corner of our eye; they are not a figment of our imagination; they are just as real as you or me.

Realizing this, the complexity of our environment grows exponentially...
Every part of the earth, of nature, no matter how small, can call upon help from an etheric helper specialized in fulfilling the needs of that tree, or plant, or blade of grass.

There seems to be one big difference between nature and humanity. Nature knows it is not alone. Nature is fully aware of the etheric, and therefore unseen beings that are there to help.
It is us humans that have decided that only those things we can see are real, dismissing our etheric helpers.
As a result we often feel alone, with no-one there to talk to. Misunderstood even.

But what if we would permit ourselves to accept the fact that we are indeed surrounded by our guides and etheric teachers. To accept the fact that Angelic Forces really are watching over us. To allow ourselves the knowledge that we are never ever truly alone...

That might just bring us peace of mind.

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