Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Next Step...

Life itself is a continuously moving, flowing experience. This means that it is up to us to keep moving with it ~ which leads to always being ready to take ‘the next step’.

This can be the next step in any process that is part of us; physically, mentally or spiritually. For instance, the next step on our personal path, the next step in our personal development (whether that is a realization, or signing up for a class), or the next step in a project.

Now, when I am looking at my personal path, at where I am headed ~ or maybe more accurately, where it is leading me ~ things are fuzzy at best! I have come to the conclusion that when I am ready to take another step, it works best for me to take a step in the direction that makes me most happy, and to not worry about how that is going to work out in my everyday life.

Taking mental steps, has a lot to do with realizations. To me at least, means letting go of things (the things I was taught, the attitudes that no longer serve me, perspectives that may have been valid some time ago, but that certainly have lost their ‘moment in the sun’) more often than acquiring things... Although every once in a while, I feel like signing up for a specific class ~ I am more likely to start sharing ideas and learn from the points of view others may have on the subject; to do my search on the internet, or to read a book about it.

Both the easiest as well as the hardest area to take the next step, is the physical world.
Here it really counts which direction we are moving, as choosing the ‘wrong’ direction can have enormous (even financial) consequences.

It is not always clear though what that ‘right direction’ is. Especially when we start taking an universal, or higher perspective into account. Is the right direction the one that makes most logical sense? Is the ‘wrong direction’ the one that may give most fun, but doesn’t seem to bring any obvious quantifiable benefit into our lives?

From our earthly, human perspective, the logical step most often seems to be the best ‘next step’. Yet from a universal perspective, we may have far better luck with the intuitive ‘next step’... Even when this means a project will be put on hold for a while ~ or even when that project will end there.

For the ‘perfect next step’, we may have to let go of our personal wants and desires, and focus more on what it is we, deep down inside, really need...
Chances are when we do that, we will find the next step that is not only our best action in the world, but it will be one that is being supported by the universe.
A true win-win experience!

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