Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Synchronicity, according to the dictionary, is the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

At one time or another all of us experience synchronicities in our lives... They are the things like picking up the phone to call a friend, yet right as we start dialing the number the phone rings and it is our friend calling us. The same is true for two people having the same idea ~ or even starting to say the same words in a conversation.

Synchronicities are not always glaring us in the face like that.
Not so long ago, a friend gave me the advice to not scatter my energy as much and to focus on those things that are truly important to me. This is good advice ~ chances are it is good advice not just for me, but for many of us in this day and age. Pretty much at the same time, a group I had been actively participating in on facebook was shut down.
To me that is a synchronicity confirming the value of the advice, as well as pointing me away from an activity that is failing to be productive for me.

A bit longer ago ~ I had just returned to the Netherlands from an extended stay in the U.S. ~ within a few days three or four people asked me independent from each other, when I was planning to leave the Netherlands again... Turns out that buying my next ticket at that very time allowed me to get it at the best price possible, right before prices went up again!

Synchronicities are those instances when events and timing come together for you in a beneficial manner. Not only are they signals that, when paid attention to, can make your life easier, better ~ because of the timing aspect involved most synchronicities demand that action be taken as well.

From some perspective one can say that synchronicities happen when you are in sync with the flow of life ~ or even the flow of the universe. The right action taken at the right time permits you to benefit from being in sync.

This means that there are a couple of things we may want to be acutely aware of:
The sometimes very subtle messages pointing us in a specific direction.
The right time.

That last one is a hard one for me. I have a tendency ~ even when I have this sense that the right time is right now ~ to finish what I am doing before taking the action required by the synchronicity.

Unfortunately, that then, drops me right out of sync...

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