Friday, June 10, 2011

A time of change

We are living in a time of change. Whether we like it or not, changes are going on all around us ~ an even if we don’t see changes happening in our own lives, most of us don’t have to look far to see changes taking place in the lives of others.

For the most part, changes can either be expected or unexpected; desired or undesirable... Whichever change it is, it is bound to bring a certain amount of insecurity into our lives ~ no matter how much we have anticipated something to happen, to make our lives better even, as soon as it is actually happening we get to that point where we are not sure where we are heading exactly, but we do know we cannot turn back. The way our lives used to be is over, and our ‘new lives’ are right in front of us and yet we cannot clearly see how it looks, feel how it feels...

From a spiritual perspectives changes come into our lives because the things we have, the life we are living is no longer serving us to the fullest. That doesn’t mean that what we have in our lives is bad ~ it just means that it is time for something different. Hopefully something better than we had before.

Changes can come into our lives with ease, or we can fight them tooth and nail ~ changes will come.

On average, us human beings don’t like changes very much, so we are more likely to resist changes than to embrace them. We feel better, more secure, when everything stays the way we know it to be. And even if we  hold on to the ‘status quo’ to the point that there is hardly anything left that is truly exciting ~ the point where we, in all reality, are just going through the motions ~ we, as human beings, tend to prefer that over change.

Until the moment that change cannot be stopped.

Maybe change comes as the loss of a job, or as a promotion. Perhaps as a move to a new home. Sometimes it can come as a realization that a certain cycle of our lives has ended and that it is time to embark upon new adventures. But often changes come quietly, like whispers in the leaves of the trees ~ or as shadows in the night. Unnoticed they arrive. And by the time we finally observe them in our lives, we are often way beyond the point of no return...

Whether we like it or not, in this point in time changes are a fact of life.
We are swept up in the currents of the changing energies in these changing times ~ and we can either fight it ~ or we can enjoy the ride!

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