Friday, October 21, 2011

Organizing and Uncluttering

What to one person is a nice, comfortable, and cosy space, can seem totally cluttered without any way to move around, to someone else. Just as a space that is clear of any ‘clutter’ is spacious to one person, and can seem devoid of personality to the next person.

It seems clear that the need to surround ourselves with memories, with keepsakes, or just with those things we like is a very personal one...

Whether a space is cluttered or not, often is a matter of organization rather than the actual amount of things in that space. When things are organized, a space may contain a lot of things, yet seem spacious. When things aren’t organized, that same space may be as good as empty, yet still give a cluttered appearance.

The difference between clutter and no clutter is not necessarily found in the amount of things that are surrounding us. The same way working on one project at any one time is not necessarily better than multitasking on several projects al at once. The difference is usually found in the degree of organization of those things.
When things are organized ~ be it our keepsakes, our thoughts, or the number of projects we are working on at the same time ~ most of the time things will move along smoothly...

And like with cleaning, organizing what we surround ourselves with can have an effect on our inner selves as much as it has an effect on the space we are living in.
Putting things in their proper place in our living quarters, organizing what goes where and so on ~ has a tendency to organize our thoughts at the same time. As a result this will allow us to formulate our thoughts coherently ~ be it to ourselves, to to others.

This may seem like a small thing ~ yet it can have an enormous effect on our lives! If we can enhance our ability to state things clearly when we express ourselves, the response we get from those around us will be more to the point. More organized. And perhaps it even is the actual answer we were looking for!

So where would you start?
When things feel cluttered, whether it is in your home or in your mind ~ it is important to realize that you don’t have to organize the whole house all at once. Just organizing a closet ~ which may be something you have been thinking about doing for a while already ~ can do the trick; independent from whether you are working on uncluttering the actual closet or all the thoughts that keep coming to your mind... However, you can also start by taking about 15 or 20 minutes each day to just write out all the thoughts that come up. And with those thoughts safely on paper ~ where they cannot be forgotten ~ that leaves your mind organized and uncluttered...

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