Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Like Clockwork...

There is a certain amount of belonging when things are moving along like clockwork. A smoothness; an ease of living.
It is something you can count on ~ something that will happen in the right order, at the right time.

Its predictability helps us sense the order of things ~ not just of the actual events that are happening like clockwork, yet as they take place exactly when they are supposed to take place they become part of the framework of our personal lives.
As such they help create the structure in our lives that makes us feel good about our lives ~ and perhaps even about ourselves...

On one side, the things happening like clockwork are first and foremost the passing of time throughout our days and nights. Although the hours can seem to stretch into eternity in some cases while shrinking into seconds in other times ~ the factual progress of time is precisely that: like clockwork!

Other things that happen like clockwork are the cycles in nature.
Winter moves into Spring, which progresses into Summer, which turns into Fall, and before we know it, we are back in Winter again. Or the phases of the moon ~ from the new moon to the full moon, and back to a new moon again. Like clockwork.
It is something we can count on.

We tend to like to have those things in our lives we can count on. Like a comfortable routine that allows us to do the things we need to do every day in an efficient manner ~ without giving it too much thought. In a way, we can come to depend on the structure, order and regularity we bring into our lives that way.
In other words ~ we like the things that happen like clockwork...

Yet even clocks can break, stop moving the hours ~ the tick-tock we didn’t even realize we heard anymore fading into a deafening silence. And when that happens, suddenly things aren’t adding up quite like they used to.

It doesn’t have to be an actual clock that stops ticking. Other ways in which the stream of events that ‘happen like clockwork’ can throw us off can be when Spring is exceptionally warm one year ~ giving us the impression that we have moved from Winter straight into Summer ~ skipping the Spring time altogether...
Or something like traveling to a different time zone and finding that the things that happen like clockwork at home and the actual time in that place don’t add up anymore. What we call jet-lag.

They are small things in reality that can have big effects on our lives.
And that too is something that tends to happen like clockwork...

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