Tuesday, July 3, 2012

“It was the best thing that ever happened to me...”

Have you ever looked back at an event in your life that seemed to be something pretty disastrous at the time ~ and yet, when you look back at it you have this sense that “It was the best thing that ever happened to me...” ??

Events that can have that effect almost always were unpleasant, even painful at the time. Whether it involved physical pain, embarrassment, emotional pain, a set of circumstances with no obvious way out ~ no matter which way you looked at it at the time; it was not a good thing.

Yet life goes on. And eventually things change.
Perhaps because you find yourself choosing a new direction. Or setting new and different goals for yourself. You may have found that there were things you thought were important in your life that you could easily do without. And by the same token perhaps you discovered things that were far more important to you than you gave them credit for up to that point.

It usually takes time to discover that whatever it was that happened to you was truly a life-changing event... It has made you look at life differently. It has encouraged you to walk your own path ~ perhaps even to take a stand; to draw a line in the sand.
And years later you may find that you are a stronger, better, wiser person because of it.
At that point you may say: “It was the best thing that ever happened to me...” ~ and mean it!

There is one little caveat though...
In order to permit something to work out in this manner it requires that we allow ourselves to move on from whatever event has happened in the past. That, instead of holding on to something terrible that has happened to us, we acknowledge that it indeed did happen (after all there is nothing to be gained from denying the truth), and we move on from there.
Holding on to a (perceived) negative event in our lives may well hold us prisoner in an energy we never wanted to be in in the first place! So let it go!
We live, we learn, and we move on.

As we move on, we open to new, positive experiences.
We look at the world around us with new, wiser eyes.
Seeing things we may not have seen before.
Connecting with life and the people we hold near and dear on a deeper level.
And often choosing a personal path that is more inspiring to us...

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