Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Rhyme nor reason

Sometimes things come together easily ~ just as was to be expected. Other times there seems to be neither rhyme nor reason to the way things come together. And it seems that the latter is becoming more prevalent in these times...

Whenever there is something to be accomplished, no matter what it is, it is being planned for. The obvious contingencies are thought of and often taken care of ahead of time. And pretty soon the only logical outcome of events would be the achievement of the set goal.

With many things in our lives this is what happens.

Yet when it comes to the important things in life, the things that really matter to us, the things we are passionate about ~ all of a sudden the tried and proves ways of getting things done don’t seem to work quite as well...
Promising leads don’t pan out. In meetings with all the ‘right people’ talks get stuck on minor details ensuring that nothing productive is realized. And no matter how much time and energy you spend on it ~ it just isn’t working...

While all the logical steps are taken, agreements reached, and the desired outcome should be within reach ~ everybody involved seems to want to take it into a different direction.
It just doesn’t make any sense.

A different, perhaps more spiritual way of looking at the situations in our lives that have neither rhyme nor reason in the way they play out, is to view the situation as if an important new player is added to the mix: the universe itself.

Especially in those areas of our lives we feel are important to us ~ the big things in life ~ the universe can step in and make things go more smoothly (for instance by consistently helping us to be at the right place at the right time), creating results that are beyond our wildest dreams. It can also intervene in order to usher us into a different direction; a direction or path that holds greater promise for us, whether we are aware of it yet or not...

When things turn out better than expected, we may say we had luck on our side.
When things fail to come together into a logical result of our actions, we perhaps complain that it doesn’t make sense and get frustrated with it.

Either way these things often happen under the guidance of a higher force. And while there seems to be neither rhyme nor reason to what is happening and why the way we as humans perceive it ~ the universe just wishes the very best for us...

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