Friday, November 2, 2012

A Universal signal

Every once in a while I am looking for a signal. A sign that will point me the way ~ that will tell me what to do. Or at least what to do next...

In other instances I would wish to receive an omen even. Especially when it is about things that happen in my life where I am not certain how to react. Should I call the person on it? Or is it best to just let it go; to not worry about it? Being proactive, or more laid back ~ and see if the situation will work itself out.

More often than not I find myself not picking up on any signal, any pointer or omen that can help me make up my mind. The result is that over say a year or so there are a number of unresolved issues ~ usually things that are perhaps not hugely important, but still lingering in the back of my mind.
And as life happens and other activities or situations are needing attention more urgently ~ that is exactly where those issues stay; in the back of my mind. Hidden from day-to-day focus, yet as more unresolved issues are added to the stack they seem to start take up more space, and even weigh heavier on my mind.

That in and of itself is no help when I am looking for a sign. A signal from the universe or a higher force indicating what I should do with these issues...

Until the other evening I was watching CSI New York on television, and there it was!
Well not the signal itself, but certainly a doable way to handle these, often minor yet unresolved things.

In the program the lead CSI character, Mac Taylor, suffers from a near death experience after having been shot. And while fighting for his life, he appears in the lives of his co-workers and has advice for them; sets things straight. Says the things one wouldn’t want to leave unsaid when there is that chance one wouldn’t make it...
One of the co-workers asks him why Mac hadn’t reported him. The answer was that he is good at his job; and by the way the Giants won that year. Huh??

Turns out the Mac Taylor character creates a ‘Universal signal’ to determine what to do with the accumulated unresolved issues on a year by year basis by picking an ‘improbable possibility’. If this ‘improbable possibility’ actually happens, he just lets go of all those things. If it doesn’t happen, he takes the time to resolve them.

That is brilliant! Why wait for a signal when you can set yourself up to receive one...
At least then you know what ‘Universal signal’ you are looking for in the first place. And on top of that it will give a clear indication whether to sit back and relax, or to step up and take action on that stack of stuff lingering in the back of your mind...

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