Friday, March 1, 2013

In sync

Most of the time things just happen in our lives, one after the next. And while we hope that as they happen they will fit together ~ this isn’t always the case. Most of the time seemingly unrelated things come up leaving it to us to fit the pieces together into some workable whole.
And most of the time this works quite nicely.

However, sometimes it seems really hard to fit the pieces together. It is like there are pieces missing, the colors don’t match, and every time we think we can finally put together the whole picture ~ something happens that seems to make the pieces decidedly dis-congruent. Somehow the pieces belong to different pictures.

It can be the start of a long journey of discovery...
Searching for new pieces ~ and perhaps more importantly, which pieces belong with which picture; which pieces fit where. And yet every once in a while the search doesn’t bring that one picture together ~ it seems that with every new piece a new picture is started. And while all these pictures may feel like they are related ~ in which way they might come together stays unclear.

After a while all these related yet different pictures that fail to fall into place and form a solution become an ever more frustrating experience ~ leaving the desired solution elusive...

And then, out of the blue ~ perhaps even without a noticeable change ~ things start to come together. In some unexpected way all these different pictures start forming one, grand solution.
Life is getting in sync.

When life is in sync it is not just that one picture that finally comes together into a whole ~ chances are all other aspects of life also start coming together.
Often without making big changes to your life ~ often it appears that all that was needed was a new perspective. In a sense a need to look with new eyes. Rather than looking at what you thought the picture should look like, it is a matter of finding the similarities in all the different pictures and move on from there.

When life is in sync it becomes a lot easier to find solutions for problems; it seems like everything you want to do is a guaranteed success. It gives a feeling of being ‘on top of the world’.

In a way what was needed is an open mind; a way of looking at things at face value ~ without any preconceived ideas as to what the ultimate solution should be.

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