Friday, July 26, 2013

Magic is everywhere

Magic is not just the ‘Harry Potter-stuff’ we see in the movies.
Granted, the ‘Harry Potter-stuff’ is exciting, and at least to me, well worth watching. But the real thing happens in real life. And all we need is to have our minds and eyes open in order to pick up on it...

The other day I was in a rush to get somewhere. It wasn’t that I had overslept, or just had let time slip by and consequently was late ~ I just needed to get there fast. And what happened without any rhyme or reason was something that normally I can only dream of: all traffic lights turned green the moment I approached them. To me that was far more than ‘awesome’. That, to me, is magic.

The package you are waiting for being delivered right as you get home ~ so not only do you have it immediately; you also don’t have to set up a new delivery day and time...
The long lines at the registers of the supermarket you see when you get in ~ that have dissolved by the time you have gathered what you need; allowing you to walk straight up to check out and to be on your way...
And for that matter ~ the parking place right in front of the entrance that opens up the moment you arrive...

All these things are magic as we can encounter it in our day to day lives!

And it seems that the more we are in tune with our needs and desires, the more we are in tune with what is truly important to us at that moment; and act on it ~ the more of those magical moments we encounter in life!

And then there is nature’s magic.
The rainbow...
The tiny acorn that grows out to be the mighty oak tree. We may take it for granted; yet when you think about it...
The fact that right as the little chicks hatch from their eggs, food for the hatchlings is plentiful. Even when a couple of days before that didn’t seem to be the case...
Or the little branch that cracked, that, when you set it in water will produce roots in order to become a plant, a tree all its own. Something that at times even happens with a beautiful leave you may have brought in after a walk... Given the opportunity, nature performs it own brand of magic every chance it gets!

And all we have to do is to open our minds and open our eyes ~ and enjoy it every step of the way.

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