When I am thinking about ‘painting’, two entirely different things come to mind. First and foremost I am thinking of creating a painting; the art form that creates paintings ~ images, either realistic or springing from one’s fantasy that are expressed through painting, drawing etc. Then there is also painting in the sense of painting the walls; bringing a different color ~ and with that a different energy ~ into our homes.
Where the first brand of painting seems to be oozing creativity, the second option is more like a chore that needs to be done every once in a while. And as either result can be pleasing to the eyes, often the first type of ‘painting’ is given a higher value ~ at least as long as we like the image that is expressed.
After all, painting our house is totally different than painting a picture…
Or is it?
One could say that in either case we are painting a picture; it is just the canvas that is different.
In creating a painting ~ no matter how big the canvas ~ an object is created that brings out emotions from those who experience it. Those who see it. In painting the walls of our homes, the canvas is ~ at least part of ~ our lives. And when all is finished, the new colors ~ perhaps more specifically the new energy brought on by the chosen colors ~ paint a picture of this point in our lives that can bring out an emotional response from ourselves, as well as from those who come to visit.
Just like with a painting some may like what they see, while others may not care for it at all.
In a sense, rather than painting an ‘object d’art’, what can be more satisfying than painting on the canvas of our lives? Adding color where none may have been before; finding the tones in color that we sing our songs in. Creating an image of how we perceive our lives to be right now; or if we are not entirely satisfied with that, we bring out the colors of what we would desire our lives to be…
Painting on the canvas of our lives then becomes an act of manifestation. An image of what we would like to see when we look at our lives. An expression of who we truly are when all the masks drop away in the comfort of our homes.
And perhaps we will then find a painting; an image that is pleasing to us, that suits our colors, our space, that we will hang on the newly painted wall to enhance what we ‘have done with the place’…
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