Friday, June 27, 2014


It is a good thing to have directions as to how to get where you want to go. Be it a map, an app, or someone kindly guiding you; telling you where to turn ~ whatever form it takes it will help us to get where we want to go faster.

It seems that finding the direction we want to take in career, in how we are productive in life, is a little bit harder. There are so many ways to go, so many things to choose from… And unless we start our own business, we may have strong desires to do one thing or another; that doesn’t mean that we will be able to find that perfect job that will accommodate that for us.
Then, if we do start our own business we may find ourselves bogged down with mundane things like administration and bookkeeping, rather than spending our time and energy doing the things we set out to do…

Often, we make the best choices as they come up and find ourselves over time walking a more or less comfortable path through life. A path that enables us to pay the bills, and to spend time with family and friends. And even when we are not quite going in the direction we envisioned while we were younger, the fact that life is comfortable makes it all okay. Sort of.

Until we reach that point in life when we realize that this is our chance to change directions. To finally start doing the things we dreamed about way back when; to truly make a difference in the world…
Then the search is on to find that perfect, individual direction that is uniquely ours. The next step might be the hardest of all; to change directions and to start doing the things we feel passionate about.

From a spiritual standpoint the main directions, North, East, South, and West, represent perspectives. Some would even add the directions ‘Above’ and ‘Below’ to the mix.
Looking upon the directions as perspectives gives us a way in which we can gain insight into where we stand in life, and what we want to do next. It is an ancient practice to start walking in the direction of which the perspective will help best to gain insight into a situation or to solve the problem we are facing.
That way, one would start walking to the North in order to see an overview of the situation ~ sort of like a meditative walk… Walking East may give insight as to where we stand in life. Moving South may show us the next step, while moving to the West can give us the instigation to actually take the steps needed to move forward in life.

This means that the directions can be really useful to us, especially when we want to change directions in life!!

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