It seems that pretty much everything we see or experience in the media needs to have a certain ‘shock value’ in order to get our attention. If it is not something that is described in multiple superlatives ~ whether they are positive or negative ~ it seems that we don’t pay attention anymore.
As a result the news items depict the worst life has to offer, often in the most graphic ways possible. As long as it is ethical, an interesting way to say that it is a good thing to show the whole world the truth as it is seen through that particular camera at that particular place and time.
This being the age of polarities, it isn’t hard to find the polarity aspect of this. Like for instance in talent shows on TV. Where a couple of years ago those that sought to become known for their singing, their music, dance or any other entertainment skills tended to have somewhat of an amateurish flavor; nowadays that isn’t true anymore. And consequently we are blown away by stellar performances of people by all ages.
If we would just go by the ‘shock value’ of what is presented to us, it would seem that the world would exist solely out of those who commit some kind of violent acts, and those that display their God-given talent in the best way they know how.
Now, if I look around me on a regular day when I am going about my business, chances are I would see neither extreme occur.
Of course we may see someone cutting in front of us on the freeway or jumping the line at the register, and by the same token we may experience being helped by someone who is making the most of their job, happily and joyfully.
Luckily, for most of us that is the extend of these particular polarities in ‘real life’.
So why do we need that ‘shock value’ in the media?
In a sense it seems that as long as we can watch things that are ‘bigger than life’ in the media, we may be able to handle the everyday stuff in our real lives better. Easier.
After all, no matter how bad our own situation is at the moment, it could be a lot worse. And even though we are just singing in the shower, watching the talent shows give us something to strive for.
And while there is truth in that, it is also important to remember that as long as we need that ‘shock value’ to actually see what the media allow us to experience, the news, while factually true, may not reflect much of what is happening in our every day lives…
One could even say that taking everything into consideration, our lives, while lacking a certain ‘shock value’, are pretty good…
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