Friday, September 5, 2014


There are quite a few things we seem to do randomly, without giving them much thought. It even seems like more and more people operate that way, not necessarily because they are not organized, but rather because they are organized in a different manner.

In a world in which we still highly value logical reasoning, and thinking things through, following a more intuitive guidance does come across as random. And while there sometimes doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to the way in which someone is taking steps in order to accomplish their goal ~ as they seem to go about it randomly ~ that doesn’t mean that they won’t reach their goal. As a matter of fact, it more and more often so happens that they seem to reach their goals easier, more smoothly than those that follow the path of reason who have thought the whole process through…

As it turns out, using logic or intuition to get where you want to go, are both valid options; in all reality neither one is better than the other. It all depends on what is the easier route for you to go; what fits your way of sorting things out best.

But whether you are a logical thinker or a more intuitive person, at times we all have random thoughts that drift into our awareness. It can be the sudden thought that we are almost out of pet food, so we’d better pick some up, or a line of thought that is almost a daydream, half wishful, half reality…
Either way, those random thoughts have something to tell us.

This is especially true when over an afternoon or so, we keep becoming aware of a series of apparently random thoughts. And rather than pushing them away with the thought that we ought to be focussing better on the task at hand, we could benefit from writing each random thought down on a note pad.
This serves two purposes. First, having written it down, there is no need to keep thinking about it, and so chances are we won’t be distracted by that particular thought any further. Second, when we are having a number of random thoughts in a fairly short period of time, they are likely to interface with each other. Randomly…
Yet reading them back from our notepads makes it easier to see the common denominator, and it is this commonality which may point us to something that is happening in our lives that we should pay a little more attention to.

As it turns out, neither random processes, nor random thoughts come to us at random at all…

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