In this point in time where there are polarities wherever we look, it is like pretty much everything has pros and cons, for-s and against-s, even ‘good’ and ‘bad’ sides to it. At the same time it doesn’t make anything good or bad, in all reality; it is just our perspective at what is happening. And it seems that we are much more willing to take a stand on one side or the other of the issue than we have been in the past.
The same is true for being tired.
There is ‘good’ tiredness, the sense of being tired after a hard days work or play. A feeling of tiredness that is connected to any kind of activity, be it physical, mental, emotional, or even spiritual.
And then there is ‘bad’ tiredness. Being tired without having done anything, leaving nothing to show for it. It is a kind of being tired that is often connected to stress in some form. Perhaps the stress of a deadline at work, or the stress of being in a situation where we feel pushed into a corner without seeing a way out.
While ‘good’ tiredness is often remedied with a good nights sleep from which we are waking up refreshed and ready to conquer a new day; ‘bad’ tiredness has a tendency to linger on. And if we don’t take steps to turn it around, it may lead us on a downward spiral where each day seems heavier, and more difficult than the day before. Pretty soon even the simplest tasks become mountains we have to climb in order to get where we want to go. And if the ‘bad’ tiredness is permitted to take over completely, it may leave us strung out and depressed…
This does suggest that in today’s world a lot of people who feel depressed may feel that way because they have been in a situation that has put a strain on them for too long, rather than facing any obvious mental or emotional difficulty.
The thing to remember is that they are polarities of the same energy.
And while that in it self doesn’t solve the problem of ‘bad’ tiredness; it does give us a way out! The most obvious way out may well be to seek out activities that are related to ‘good’ tiredness. Like taking a little walk every day, getting yourself a ten minute exercise program (even if that is just swinging your arms, or sitting down and getting up from a dining room chair).
Any physical movement will help bring movement in other areas of our lives, and ultimately help us to restore the balance between the polarities.
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