Friday, December 19, 2014


According to the dictionary, transformation is a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. And in one form or another we all strive for transformation in our lives.
As a child we want to grow up; we want to transform into the adolescent who is bigger and stronger and therefore is allowed more freedom. As an adolescent we want to become the adult. When we are stressed we aim to transform into a more stress free version of ourselves; when we are caught up in so many things that we are continuously on the move we desire a transformation into something calmer, where life moves a little more smooth.

The dilemma often is that, while we do desire that transformation (at least at some level) we tend to be dreading the changes that come hand in hand with that transformation.
There are no half packages though… With one, the other will be right there…

Yet, with each transformation we wish our lives to be better.
And as we only have limited control over all of the circumstances, happenings and events in our lives, the true transformation has to be within ourselves…
That would mean that we would not necessarily aim to transform a specific situation, but rather the way we view the world. In other words, transform our perspective; start looking at the world through ‘new eyes’. It may guide us to see that same situation in a new light; see different aspects of it, and so on. It may even allow us to perceive why that specific situation entered our lives; and therefore show us what our part in it is.

Many teachings emphasize the benefit of observing the world from a perspective of detachment. It seems like ultimately that is the one transformation we may be striving for. To let go of the emotional inner dialogue, the opinionated attitude, or even the indignation that something like that can be done to us ~ and to get to the point from which we can observe the situation as it is. Honest and truthful. Factual.

The more we an transform ourselves into that direction, the less likely we are to get caught in situations filled with drama; and if we are, we can just see it for what it is. Chances are whatever the situation is we are facing, it will become easier to handle; problems will effortlessly get solved.

As we get more detached, less emotionally involved, less opinionated, we are not stepping back from the world; we rather are giving ourselves a chance to be totally aware and in balance with the world in the present.

If we want to transform, it seems like a really good transformation to aim for…

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