Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The journey

We are all walking our own, personal paths; and as such all of us are on a journey. Not just a physical journey, but also a journey in mind, in experience. With every things we learn about others, about life, or about ourselves, we are taking new steps on the path we are on, and in doing so we are continuing our journey.
For some of us that comes with lots of physical journeys as well. Travels to all corners of the earth, meeting different cultures and new friends. For others their personal journeys are just as rich in experience without ever traveling more than a hundred miles from the place we were born.
On our personal path it is not about how far we travel, but more about what we are doing with the time we are given at the very place we are at right now…

We often spend a lot of time and energy figuring out what we want to do when we ‘get there’. Sometimes we forget how precious the journey really is.

But whether we are focused on life in the fast lane, or leave our footsteps on a more inward path; there comes a time that we will prepare for the journey to the ‘Great Beyond’. That journey to the place that we can’t quite see. We can sense it is there, and yet, it takes years of training to actually imagine what it is like…
The ‘Great Beyond’ is clearly beyond our experience. It is a place that is beyond our physical understanding. A space beyond comparison.

As we prepare for that part of our journey, we may well see glimpses of that other world. And as we get closer to the moment we are to set sail, our mind may well race ahead and imagine all the things waiting for us in that new world that lays beyond this one. Looking forward, and losing touch with the familiarity of the path and the people we have known for so long.

Knowing we will meet again.
For as we may have that yearning to make that journey to the ‘Great Beyond’, at some point in time we may feel a yearning to continue our journey in the confines of density. Where we will meet old friends under new circumstances. Where we may, or may not embark on adventures together, for sometimes just the recognition of an age-old friendship is enough.

We are all walking our own, personal paths; we are on a journey. And on that journey, chances are we will meet over and again.

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