Tuesday, June 23, 2015


While we all are walking our personal paths through life; life itself hardly ever has the singular quality of a ‘path’. It is more like a tapestry.
This tapestry may depict our personal paths, but at the same time it is interwoven with the people around us, and our environments. Our experiences are influenced by others, just as much as they are influencing others.
And to make things even more intricate, this tapestry is woven on multiple layers, and as such the way we are influenced or influence others will be on any number of different layers. Different layers of consciousness. On different layers of energy.

The whole thing we call life is pretty much a nebulous thing…
Even though we keep persisting that we are moving through it walking our personal paths; nice and neat…

But when we would just for a moment forget about our personal paths, and ponder the tapestry concept; the thing is truly mind boggling.

Every thing we do is interwoven with everyone around us. The reasons why we do the things we do are dictated by our wishes and desires as much as by the people and situations in our lives.
This way, things we have learned as youngsters may still influence our decisions  today. Just as a situation we have seen unfold in the life of a friend or family member in the past may direct our choices of today.

We may recognize the colors of the tapestry without seeing the picture it paints. We may sense that a certain color or shape is put together by strands of different colors; perhaps each color representing an individual person or separate situation, without really understanding how they affect our lives.
We just know that somehow they do.

The other thing that becomes more and more clear the longer we think about our lives being a tapestry rather than a path, is that we are all connected. Not just connected with the people around us, but also to situations and things like cars, and houses, etc.

One tapestry. One life.
And an endless series of interwoven people, experiences, and environments…

And so we are not as much alone on our chosen personal paths, moving through life; but rather we are part of a oneness in which there are currents and movements, peaks and valleys, and more colors and shapes than we can imagine…
And all of that is there for us to learn our life-lessons, and perhaps most importantly, unfold our unlimited potential!

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