Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A push to change

It appears that in the energy of today all of us are pushed to change in one way or another, yet few know which direction to change into. Where to go from here seems to be a big ~ almost universal ~ unknown.

It is almost like the best next step is just any step in any direction we have not taken before in our lives. Whatever we can imagine for ourselves, no matter how wild or ‘far out’ it seems, it is worth giving it a try and to truly go for it!
And while this as a concept may be appealing, to actually do it can be incredibly scary.

After all, in order to try something new, chances are we have to give up something we have in life. If only to create the space for new things to come into our lives. And even when we know ~ consciously or in our hearts ~ that this thing we are about to give up is not serving us anymore (and perhaps hasn’t served us for a long, long time) letting go of it, just like that, may bring up a sense of insecurity with it. We know what we have, but we may not have a clue as to what this new, and supposedly better thing that is about to come into ur lives, is.

And this is especially true when we are nudged to change, without receiving a clear indication as to the direction we are changing into…

On the other hand, if we hold off on the changes ~ if we ignore the gentle nudges that tell us ‘it is time…’ ~ then pretty soon those nudges become pushes. And when those are still resisted, eventually something can be brought onto our path that forces the issue.

This means that in a way we find ourselves caught between a rock and a hard place.
We sense the need for changes, yet don’t know what to change or where to start. Yet if we don’t do anything about it, we may eventually find ourselves in a situation where changes rapidly take over our content and organized life style, without us having any say in it.

Weighing those options, as soon as we feel that nudge or push to change, we may as well do something wild and unexpected ~ perhaps even something other people may feel is ‘out of character’ for us ~ and have some fun with it…
Just keep in mind that if it doesn’t work out the way we anticipated, we can always retrace our steps and try taking a different direction to reshape our lives!

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