Friday, February 12, 2016

Am I the only one who…

We may all feel like we are the only one on this entire earth who is experiencing something, or find ourselves in a certain situation at some points in our lives. It may prompt us to as ourselves, am I the only one who is experiencing, doing, feeling, thinking this?

Right of the bat, I would say no. We are not the only one.
Out of 7.4 billion people who are currently inhabiting the earth, it is very unlikely we are the only person on this earth who is experiencing this ‘thing’; who finds themselves in that situation we don’t want to be in.
Chances are other people have been there, and know exactly what we are going through.

From a more spiritual perspective the number of areas in which we may find ourselves encountering problematic or weird situations in, are limited. Home, family, relationships, jobs (or the work that we are doing), and travel are said to be the handful of areas where the ‘biggies’ in our lives take place. And each of those ‘biggies’ are ~ again from a spiritual perspective ~ a life-lesson we are here to learn.

This means that it is not as much what we encounter in life that sets us apart, it is our own, unique way in which handle things when we encounter them on our path.

It is our choice to either say nobody understands me and the situation I am in, and therefore nobody can help me handling it. Or to say; many people have experienced similar situations and learning form their experience I can handle it more effectively than I would be able to, left to my own devices.

But even if it is not about great, big, loge-changing events in our lives; how we handle our day-to-day stuff, not only makes us the unique individual we are, it also gives feedback to ourselves and the Universe as to how much of that particular lesson we have learned.
For instance, when someone ‘wrongs us’, do we set out to ‘get back at them’? Do we get angry, or frustrated? Do we act on feelings of ‘righteous indignation’? Or do we take a deep breath, bless them and us, and continue on our own personal path ~ be that going grocery shopping, or our path in a more spiritual sense.
When we are triggered in old behaviors, attitudes or habits, do we blame everybody around us? Or do we say ‘Oops, guess there is still something I want to change?’

Things like that happen to all of us, and depending on mood, on how well we slept the night before, on whether we are in a hurry or not, and on a thousand other variables, we act one way or another.

There is no chance whatsoever that we would be the only person having that experience.

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