Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Our thoughts

It is important to ~ at least every once in a while ~ listen to our thoughts. Not in order to enter into an inner conversation, but rather listen to the thoughts we are thinking as an honest observer. Without judgement, without guilt. Just listening and observing the thoughts we are thinking. To become aware of the thoughts we are thinking…

Are we thinking kind thoughts? Are we thinking of change and all the newness and positivity it can bring into our lives? Are we thinking healing thoughts ~ for ourselves, for others and even for the world?
Or do we find ourselves thinking thoughts of frustration and anger? Judgmental thoughts directed at those who are not thinking along the same lines as we are? Thoughts of fear, as we see violence in the world around us?

Chances are, when we truly monitor our thoughts for a day or so, we will find that our thoughts are divers. That some of our thoughts are judgmental, while others are compassionate. That we have both frustrated thoughts as well as kind thoughts ~ and pretty much every kind of thought in between.

However, as we become more aware of the thoughts we are thinking, we give ourselves a choice as to which lines of thought we allow to continue in our minds, and which thoughts we choose to interrupt.

For instance thoughts that bring doubt or guilt into our lives, thoughts that make us fear the world around us, we would probably be better off interrupting. Not allowing them to take hold in our lives. Not permitting them to make us doubt ourselves, feel guilty about what we have done or have failed to do.

As our thoughts set the tone for what we bring into our lives; as our thinking shapes and molds our lives into the image of our lives as we are living it ~ becoming aware of our thought-patterns is very beneficial to us as it gives us an opportunity to change our lives. In the most literal sense!

That being said, thinking our thoughts, observing our thoughts, becoming aware of the thought patterns that create our lives is a very personal thing to do. And we are the only person we can direct the thought patterns of… What other people think is up to them.
As is the way they choose to express their thoughts, their opinions, and even their attitudes.

But then again, we don’t have to make that a part of our lives.
It is up to us to either go along with what we are told by other people ~ going along with their thoughts ~ or whether we choose to think our own thoughts, creating our own lives.

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