Friday, July 22, 2016

A peaceful state of mind

There is no question that maintaining a calm, cool collected state of mind whatever happens around us is a good thing. It is also a great accomplishment as it is by no means as easy as it sounds. Especially when we see a lot of violence happening as soon as we turn on the TV, we are often pushed out of our balanced, we loose our calm, cool collected state of mind and are more apt to quickly react in judgement. Pointing fingers at ‘those people’.
Or, when we do see the full ramifications of what is happening, find ourselves sliding into a depressed state.

And as soon as we have lost our balance, whichever way we find ourselves pushed, we become ineffective in our thoughts and actions. We just cannot see what we can do to make a difference. How we can make a difference.

Staying balanced in the world of today takes continuous work and a considerable amount of skill.

Staying balanced, like many other things, does start from a point of peace. And this innate point of peace resides within each of us. It is the energy of peace we were born with as a whole, perfect human being, not bothered by thoughts and attitudes that divide humanity or the world in any way, shape or form. Surrounded by love. At peace with the world.

It is from this unfettered peaceful state of being we experienced at that time, that we can regain our peaceful state of mind. Realizing that we are a perfectly whole human being and that whatever is happening in the world is not proving that we are not. There is no reason to start defending our humanity. And while what we see happening around us can be horrifying, as long as we are not finding ourselves right in the middle of it all, there is no reason for fear. No reason to get angry, judgmental or to point fingers.

It is however inviting us to ~ from our own peaceful state of mind ~ ease the stress and hurt and yes, anger that has become apparent.

There are many ways to help bring balance to a topsy-turvy world.
Through compassion, and kindness. Through sending Light and healing and our prayers to those places that have ~ for now ~ lost their balance.
And to resolve those situations in our lives that leave us feeling less than the whole, peaceful human being we are. To not allow frustration to take over, but rather to keep maintaining that calm, cool, collected, peaceful state of mind.

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