There are a number of ways in which we can look at responsibilities...
There are the responsibilities to ourselves, the responsibility for our actions, and responsibilities to others. Responsibilities we take on because of obligations ~ that may be work, family or even be culturally oriented.
We can take responsibility, claim responsibility, or shun responsibility...
And finally we can be made responsible or even be held responsible.
Often we tend to give responsibilities we take for others, be it work, family, or social responsibilities a lot more weight than the responsibility we have for ourselves.
The world outside of us, the people around us and their wants and desires seem way more important to us that we ourselves are. On top of that those around us can be quick to point out that when we are spending more time and energy on our own needs and desires ~ in other words, when we are taking responsibility for ourselves ~ we are acting egotistically.
But is that really the case?
From a spiritual perspective we are here in order to walk our personal, spiritual paths. And while we are walking that very individual path, we learn from our experiences. Experiences that include the people we meet, the situations we encounter, and yes, family ~ be it our ‘kin’ or our spiritual family.
When we look at it this way, then by far the most important responsibility we have while walking our path is the responsibility for ourselves. For our wellbeing. The responsibility to fill our own needs and desires. The responsibility to express our fullest, greatest potential. The responsibility to be the best person we can possibly be within the limits set by the world we live in.
If there is one responsibility we really should claim ~ this is it!
Of course we are also responsible for our actions ~ so it is a good idea to ‘own’ whatever has happened as a result of our actions. Whether that is something good, something bad, or something we have manifested into our lives.
Compared to those responsibilities, the responsibilities for others seem far less important. In all reality, we cannot be responsible for the choices and decisions of another person. Just as we have our life to live, they are living their own life...
And in the unfortunate case when we are made responsible, or even held responsible for something that we have had no choice in, something that we were unable to influence ~ may not have anything to do with responsibility whatsoever!
Something like that is usually happening because someone is looking for someone to point their finger to, for someone ‘who’s fault it is’ ~ in short, looking for a scape-goat.
And when that is happening, it is time to step back from the situation, to observe it, and to decide for yourself to what extend ~ if at all ~ you were responsible...
The answer may surprise you!
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