Friday, July 15, 2011

Expect your prayers to be heard!

While we, as mankind believe in a Higher Force ~ and have searched for ways to contact, or even placate that Higher Force in order to receive help, healing, or an abundant harvest throughout time, we still seem surprised when our prayers are being answered...

Almost to a point of a sense of ‘un-believe’. And this makes for an interesting paradox. On one side we believe in this Higher Force that holds our lives in His Hand. On the other side we have a really hard time accepting that this Higher Force would actually help us living our lives.
And this duality is one that is common in many areas of our lives, especially where we deal with thing we know, can logically understand, and can touch versus the things we believe in, the things we sense, and even can feel to be true...
As a result we may believe that there is an aspect of ourselves that is unseen; a spiritual part if you wish, and we know there is the physical, logical part of us ~ and yet when something happens that harms our sense of wholeness, we only look at the physical part of ourselves...
By the same token, we may pray for guidance, answers, or even fully implemented solutions ~ and then when we get what we have asked for we all too often see what comes to us as ‘punishment’ rather than the answer to our prayers.
Or maybe we just don’t understand...

Now, if we would live our lives from the premise that our prayers will be answered ~ always! ~ we might be more on the lookout for new and unexpected solutions coming our way. And we might recognize that when something happens that can be exactly what we asked for in our prayers.

Like when there is a drought and more and more people ~ independent from each other ~ start praying for some rain to fall. To freshen the air. To feed nature. To save our crops...
And then when it starts raining ~ and raining, and raining (!) ~ we feel like we are punished because there is no sunshine, and it feels like Autumn in the middle of Summer. And all the while we forget that this rain in essence is the answer to our prayers! Even when it is a bit more than we ‘bargained for’...

The thing is, that often we forget to look at life with an open mind.
We ask for some rain in our prayers, and we have already decided in our own minds that we would like to have one nice thunder shower in the evening, followed by another day of sunshine. If we get less rain than that which we have in mind, we have a tendency to dismiss it as too little. Do we get more rain than we had in mind ~ we feel punished because the nice Summer weather is taken away from us.

And we forget that what we asked for was rain, and what we got was rain...

So expect your prayers to be answered ~ yet be careful what you ask for!

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