Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mice, Mouses, and Trackpads

The mouse, the little creature whose essence energy is courage, is ~ at least in the way we talk about it ~ many things. It can be mousy, or a pest. It can be really quiet. It can scare off huge elephants. And one thing is certain ~ every mouse has a tail...

And it is that tail, in a sense, that connects that other mouse breed to its source ~ the computer mouse. And through its tail it gets and sends its commands so our computers behave the way we wan them to.

And while mice are not everybody’s favorite ~ pretty much no-one has a problem with mouses. We like the way they fit in our hands, the way they move smoothly in all directions. And like mice, mouses do better ~ are faster ~ on a surface that gives them some traction.
So much do we like our mouses that we have ‘mutated’ them into a shape that has no tail; that is not tethered to the computer anymore. This gives us an even greater range of movement. Within reason, we can ‘pet’ our mouses into controlling our computers from a distance...

And from these little rodents ~ the biological mice as well as the mechanical mouses ~ we eventually moved away. Seeking new and improved ways to guide and direct our new best friends: our computers.

We have found that we can be courageous from behind our computers. We can communicate via our computers with people around the world. We can do research, do our shopping, play games ~ even watch TV shows and listen to (internet) radio programs. If not for having our physical, mundane obligations like driving the kids to school, or showing up at that meeting in the office ~ we are in a position where we could live our entire lives from behind a computer.
Even without ever petting a mouse.

Because now we have smaller computers that we can take along wherever we go ~ and these computers now have nice, soft, smooth trackpads. And by ‘petting’ these trackpads with either one or two fingers, sometimes even making movements ~ we get ever more accurate ways of directing and controlling our computer friends...

Personally, I have great respect for mice and their essence energy of courage. This doesn’t mean that I would like them to live in my house ~ or even for my cats to bring me life mice; something they occasionally do.
And to be honest, I like trackpads a lot more that mouses ~ tethered or not.

As for our computer friends...
They most certainly have a place in our societies of this point in time. And yet, I really like the more physical communication with the world around me...

There is more to life than mice, mouses and trackpads after all...

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