Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What is the meaning of life?

When thinking about questions we come across in our lives ~ this one question: “What is the meaning of life?” seems to be the ultimate ‘biggie’.
And the interesting thing about this one question is that pretty much everybody would like to know the answer ~ while at the same time there are an enormous number of answers that all make sense... At least at one level or another.

The shortest answers I have heard were: “42” and “43”.
“42” is, if I am not mistaken, the answer ‘Siri’ the personal assistant that is part of the new iPhone 4S ultimately gave when asked about the meaning of life. But only after suggesting that the meaning of life would lie in the personal growth life enables us to accomplish.
“43” being the answer I have heard on any number of occasions...

As these answers seem flippant and at the surface not making sense at all. But what when we look at the numbers from a symbolic perspective. What may these numbers tell us about the meaning of life?

42 is a combination of 4 and 2.
The 4 on one hand talks about foundation. The number 4 can also refer to the four elements: earth, water, fire, and air ~ and the four directions: North, South, West, and East. When the number 4 is drawn as a symbol it points toward a person bringing balance to his or her environment.
The number 2 is all about  duality. When drawn as a symbol the 2 deals with communication from ‘above’~ from our Highest level of consciousness if you wish ~ brought into the mundane.

This would make the answer “42” as to the meaning of life something like:
“Through communication from the Highest levels we bring balance to our environment; our foundation.” Or perhaps: “Through use of our intuition we live in a balanced environment”.

Looking at “43” as the answer, the combination of 4 and 3 ~ the interpretation of the number 4 stays the same.
The number 3 indicates the balance of ‘mind, body and spirit’. When drawn as a symbol it deals with communication in the Higher realms as well as in the mundane.

Making the answer “43” sound like:
“Being balanced in mind, body and spirit ~ in a balanced environment”, or: “Through communication we create our foundation”.

Interestingly enough, in both answers ‘balance’ plays a profound part. Balance of ourselves as well as balance of our environment. And the other similarity is ‘communication’; it is apparently important to communicate ~ not just logically, but also intuitively.

So if either of these answers would happen to be the ultimate answer ~ balancing ourselves and bringing balance to our environment, to the earth we live on; probably through the use of communication is important in our lives.

And it begs a different question: “What are you doing on a personal level to balance yourself and  to your environment?”

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