Friday, January 18, 2013


There is a sense of restless movement in the air...
People and pets are milling around ~ moving for the sake of movement ~ without an apparent purpose. An indecisiveness that seems to be all-pervasive. In traffic people signal to go left, only to change their mind at the last minute and turn right.
As for me ~ I have dressed up to brave the cold in order to go grocery shopping, keys in hand twice now; only to look outside and decide that I can get by for at least another day...

It is an energy that invites to start things without having the sustenance to actually get them done. And if we go with that invitation we consequently end up with any number of tasks and chores that we have started without having finished them ~ perhaps even leaving us in a less structured state than we would wish to be.

Come to think of it, that may well be the reason for this restless energy.

This is a time in which things are changing.
In its simplest form this means that ‘doing the same old things in the same old way’ doesn’t work any more. The time and the energy support new ways of doing things. Perhaps even doing new things.
Yet, left to our own devices, chances are we wouldn’t start looking at those new ways and new things. It would be more likely that we would just keep doing the things we have been doing for a while in the same way we have always been doing them. So we need some kind of instigation that relaxes the structure of our lives just enough to permit us to see that there is more...
More things to do ~ perhaps. More ways of doing the things we want to do ~ definitely!

So suddenly, rather than turning left, we turn right ~ taking a different route, going to a different grocery store, or even start doing something different than we set out to do entirely. And while that may not make sense to those around us in traffic ~ at that time it makes perfect sense to us!
Going to do the grocery shopping and changing our minds at the last minute ~ for whatever the reason ~ is just something that happens as we flow with this restless energy.

While we move around restlessly, we may see or think of a couple of things we would like to change... Changing the way the furniture is arranged, or the color paint on the walls ~ or even the things we (have to) do.
And as we may not have the drive to actually do that yet, the plan is slowly emerging.

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