Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Changing Priorities

There are many ways in which the Universe can nudge us into changing. Whether it is about inner changes or about changes in jobs, houses, or relationships... When something needs to change and we are not quite aware of it yet; chances are the Universe will find a way to bring it to our attention ~ if not prompt us to start doing things differently or to change directions.

Either way, our priorities will change.

One could even say that the reason for being pushed to change things in our lives is to change priorities. Whether it is job-related ~ for instance putting a higher priority on fulfillment rather than money ~ or is more focused on our home, clearing out things we may have had for years that slowly started to own us rather than just being our belongings... Even ‘upping’ ourselves on our priority list, putting us in a position where we may take better care of ourselves.

Looking at it from this perspective, the changes we are facing in our lives all have to do with changing our priorities. With aligning our priorities in such a way that we can use our energy and our time to our greatest advantage. In a way that is most beneficial to us.
This also means that when we feel like we are being pushed beyond our limit ~ it is time to have a close look at our priorities. What do we deem is most important in our lives, and how much of our time and energy are we putting into that most important thing...

For instance, if we feel our personal health is most important ~ physically as well as mentally and emotionally ~ then how much of our time en effort do we spend to stay healthy?
Do we eat healthy ~ or do we take the easy way out and eat some kind of fast food on a regular basis?
Do we take time to relieve the stress that may have built up in a situation at work ~ or do we just keep going and going until we are burned out?
Do we express our own inner needs and desires in such a way that they can be met ~ or do we keep muttering inside ourselves that no-one ever has any consideration with us?

Perhaps we would find that especially in the areas that we feel are most important in our lives, this is not reflected in how much time and energy we give it.

It is a ~ sometimes not so little ~ discrepancy that in today’s energy needs to be brought into alignment. And as we do that, the changes that make our lives easier and more fun will come naturally.

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