Friday, April 26, 2013

You've made your bed, now lie in it

It means that you have made a decision and now must accept its consequences.
It means that you ‘own’ your decisions and your actions. Whatever you have decided, whatever it is you are doing ~ it is your responsibility.

The situation is quite clear when you look at it this way...
However, we live in a time when so many things are not quite what they seem.

For instance ~ someone may have made a decision without having had the full grasp of its consequences. Or perhaps between the time the decision was made and the way it all played out arrived ~ something changed. For instance something concerning health, relationships, where you live, work... The list could go on and on. But so many things can change so fast, nowadays ~ even without any active input from us; let alone actively deciding to do or change something. And sometimes you choose whatever you think is best for you at that moment; you make your decision fully intending to see it through; to do all the work that comes with that decision ~ and before you know what is happening, everything starts changing around you; and sometimes even inside of you...

When that happens, is it still fair to stand on the sideline and to say, ‘well, you’ve made your bed, now lie in it’? Or would it be kinder to take the whole situation into consideration and to lend a helping hand?

Come to think of it; even when someone makes a decision of which they can totally envision how much work it is going to entail, and are fully prepared to own it; to do the responsible thing... Should we just keep looking at it from the outside in, seeing how that person is doing the best he can, yet that doesn’t seem to be enough and things seem to start breaking apart...
Is that the time to say; ‘well, you could have seen that coming’, indicating that the decision made was not a wise decision ~ and making that the excuse you need to not help out?

Or is that the time when you walk up and say; ‘What can I do to make this work out for you?’ ‘How can I help?’

Is this the time to still have an attitude that says ‘you’ve made your bed, now lie in it’, or is this the time in which we reach out to others and see how we can help?

After all, as we make the world a better place for the other person, it will also become a better place for ourselves....

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