Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Right place, right time

When we live our lives in balance with ourselves and our environments, chances are that we find ourselves more often at the right place, at the right time. That things fall into place easier than they have before. From a certain perspective, one could say that the greater our inner and outer balance is, the more smooth our lives will become.
This is partly due to the fact that from a balanced state we can handle anything that comes our way easier than when we feel overwhelmed by life to start with… On the other hand, when we are in that balanced state, we do have a tendency to work with the energies around us, rather than fighting them, which does seem to make things go our way.

From a spiritual perspective one could say that we are always at the right place at the right time. The problem is, we often don’t quite know what we are there for.
‘So here I am at the right place at the right time, and now what?’

We may have an preconceived notion that being at the right place at the right time will only give us positive experiences, but that is not necessarily true. It will give us an opportunity to have an experience we need for our growth, an experience we need for the next step on our personal paths. And the way we ‘rate’ the experience can therefore go either way, positive or negative; good or bad. Yet even when we feel we ‘could have done without that one’, it will have given us an opportunity to learn something, if only not to make that same mistake again.

So far, most of us are likely to see how this works. Whatever happens, we live, we learn, and we move on. It becomes a lot harder when we take this spiritual perspective on being at the right place a the right time a couple of steps further.
If we are always at the right place at the right time, that may mean that even when we are late for something, we may well be ‘right on time’. It may mean that this accident that happens two minutes after we have just passed that same stretch of road, wasn’t meant for us. And by the same token, when we would end up in an accident, we would still be at the right place at the right time…
Life or death decisions happen at the right place at the right time…

All we can do is to make sure we are in as balanced a state as we can muster, so we can handle whatever life throws our way with grace.

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