Thursday, November 20, 2014

What we have not

Sometimes it is a good thing to step back from our lives, even if it is just for a couple of hours, and to look at how we live our lives. Where do we focus our energy; where do we spend our time? And perhaps most important how do we see our lives. Do we look at all the things that are positive, the things we have accomplished? Or are we looking at the things that we still have to do, the things that we have not yet been able to do, and maybe even the things we don’t have in live ~ both material as well as immaterial?

Somehow, how we view our lives seem to be related to what is going on in the world today; or more precisely, what we see on the newscasts about what is happening all around the globe. The more positive the newscasts, the more positive our outlook on life seems to be. The more negative, the more we seem to focus on the things that aren’t right (yet) in our lives.
In other words, the information we receive from outside of ourselves ~ even from outside of our environments and therefore our lives ~ influences how we see our direct environment and what is happening in our lives. What is happening with us.

This can place us in a somewhat dangerous spiral as the more negative the information from around the world becomes, the more negative we view our lives, and the more negative we see ourselves.

The question then becomes if, and if so how much, whatever is going on in far away places is affecting us on a personal level, and what we can do to change those things. And that is not quite as straightforward as it seems. Seeing the horrific images of war, hunger, and illness on TV really do affect most of us. The problem is that a lot of those things are well beyond our realm of influence, and therefore, on top of not feeling good about them, we are powerless to do anything about them. Which has a tendency to make it negative influence on our lives even greater. And pretty soon our focus is on all the things we have not. The things we cannot do, or have, or believe…

And even when a lot of things in our lives are going really well; as soon as we focus on the things we have not, cannot do, will not believe are possible; we make it that much harder for ourselves to be positive and accepting. To receive the goodness of life.

So rather than allowing ourselves to focus on the things that we have not, we cannot do, or we will not believe possible; we should focus on what we do have, the things we can do, and our positive vision for the future. To be grateful for what we have now opens the doors to a wonderful future!

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