Friday, January 16, 2015


A couple of weeks ago, in the dead of Winter, I saw a mother-duck with five ducklings following her in the canal. No need to say it has been a mild Winter so far; at least where I am living. And rather than snow and freezing weather ~ the kind that would let us get our ice skates out ~ it has been wind and rain instead.
Perfect weather for ducklings, I suppose…

But it does give the sense that things are not quite the way they should be. Things seem out of order. And while for the longest time the cause appeared to be within our lives; the way we organized things, the manner in which we did, or didn’t do things; right now it is as if nature itself is turning things around.
From a certain perspective this does make sense. After all, nature, just like us humans, takes its cues and reacts to the energy we live in. So if the energy changes, chances are nature and we (eventually) will change as well.

And in the energy we are living in today, nothing seems to quite fit in its place. It is not that there are great, big discrepancies necessarily, but rather that everything is just a little off…

This can show in our lives in any number of ways. For instance we may find that it is a lot harder to make (and keep) appointments. Or when we think we have all our ducks in a row, suddenly something happens that changes everything, as it signals a time to revisit our priorities. It may even be telling us that it is time for a new balance within ourselves.

Perhaps, like the mother-duck and her ducklings, the energy of this point in time invites us to be who we are, rather than to be what we do. Her single focus was to breed on those eggs, and when they came out, to raise those ducklings. Because that is who she is; a mother-duck.

We, as humans, have a tendency to get swayed from our priorities by whatever is happening around us. Whether it is something we see on the six o’clock news, or an actual situation that suddenly has come up in our lives doesn’t really make a whole lot of difference. They more often than not will prompt us to move away from those things we do that are truly ours, away from the expression of our unique and individual talents, in favor of things we feel others are expecting us to take care of…

They allow us to become what we do, rather than to be who we are.

And maybe the energy is just saying that it is time to turn that around.

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