Tuesday, January 13, 2015


‘Stuff’ is one of those words that can be used to indicate a lot of different things. Along those lines there is stuff to do, stuff to organize, stuff to throw out; and every once in a while we stuff ourselves, especially when the stuff on our plates is really good stuff!

And while nowhere is indicated what ‘stuff’ we are talking about, as it turns out there are a lot of nuances of ‘stuff’, making the implications ever so slightly different in each time the word is used.

On the surface it looks like whatever it is, is unimportant. After all, it is ‘just stuff’. But on second thought that doesn’t seem to be the case. It is rather a collection of things that, at least for the moment, we are not willing to define or even differentiate between.
This means that the ‘stuff’ we still have to do can be an odd collection ranging from regular chores to, for instance, an important business meeting ~ and everything in between.

The one thing that all those kinds of stuff have in common, is ourselves.
As soon as we use the word, it is about our ‘stuff’ we need to do, organize, throw out, etc. So while we may call a whole host of different things ‘stuff’, it looks like at least it is our ‘stuff’.

This brings up an interesting perspective as to why we call it ‘stuff’ in the first place.
Of course there is this thing that when it is ‘stuff’, we usually don’t have to explain any further as to what, and why, and how, and so on. It is understood that it is stuff and it is ours. At the same time, in bringing any number of disparate activities into one pile we call ‘stuff’, we can quite literally make a mountain out of a mole hill… As long as we have a firm grasp as to what it is we need to get done, or want to do, or even dream about, there may not be a problem. Yet as soon as we put everything together into one big pile and start calling it ‘stuff’, it can also indicate that we are in process of loosing track. The seem to be too many things, too many demands put on us in too short a time; and all this ‘stuff’ is making it too hard to get anything done…

Do you recognize that?
It turns out to be something that can easily happen in the energy of this point in time. And perhaps the easiest way to deal with it, is to ‘un-stuff’ it, and to do something mundane as to create a ‘to-do list’.

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