Friday, April 10, 2015

Life goes on

 Whenever something ‘earth-shattering’ happens in our lives, it seems like life itself suddenly comes to a halt. It seems to stand still in that very moment. And depending on what the event or situation is, we may feel locked in place for quite some time…

While this in all likelihood is totally correct from our perspective, it is not necessarily true for people and things around us. As it turn out ~ from a factual perspective ~ life keeps moving on. And for those that were not personally caught in the ‘earth-shattering’ event, things find their balance and move on surprisingly quickly. After the initial shock, and perhaps the compassion felt in that very moment, life takes over and pretty soon the ‘normal’ routine ensues.

Whatever event or situation we have felt brought our lives to a standstill, is ‘old news’. It may even evoke the well intended ~ yet not helpful ~ comment that it is best to move on. After all, we cannot change whatever happened, so why dwell on it?

They are right of course; after all, we can see with our own eyes that the day changes to the night, and back to a new day again. The moon grows to its fullest image, and back to that point of total darkness. And given time the seasons flow form one into the other, just like nothing has happened…

Life goes on.
It is ourselves who have come to a standstill.

The moment we got caught up in that ‘earth-shattering’ event or situation, things changed in our own lives. Whether that situation is about moving ~ especially when we didn’t feel like moving in the first place ~ or because our jobs changed or even stopped. Whether it is something health related, or an issue of life and death…
Whatever it is, it puts us into a position where we need to take a second look at it. And perhaps even a third, fourth, fifth look… It puts us in a position where we need to re-evaluate; have another look at our priorities…
At that point we have a need to step back from our lives and everything in it, to give ourselves time in order to put things into place, and to regain our balance. To discover what is truly important to us in life. To  find out what really makes us happy. To ascertain where we want to spend our time and energy.

Only then do we feel we can move forward again, and move with life as it goes on…

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