Taking a break every once in a while is always a good thing. Whether it is a break from a project you have been working on for a while, a break from a routine you have found yourself in for perhaps a bit too long; or even taking a break from an otherwise regular blogging habit.
Taking a break offers us the opportunity to gain fresh perspectives. Stepping back from pretty much anything we have been involved in for a while in order to change viewpoints; to look at it differently. To re-evaluate, and maybe even redirect our focus, before we re-engage with renewed energy…
This is especially true fro blogging.
By its nature blog-posts tend to reflect ~ at least to a certain extend ~ what is important to ourselves; or even what is happening in our lives and how we may feel about it. And there is nothing wrong about that; especially when it is written from a perspective that is interesting to other people or can help them cope with a similar situation in their own lives.
Yet there are also things that while there is nothing wrong about writing about them; there is no reason to put them out there in that manner…
As soon as our inner dialogue as to topics to write about goes something like this it may be time to look a little deeper:
“Why would I write about that?”
“Because I can!”
The question then becomes whether we are writing about that particular topic because it is interesting to us at that point in time, or whether we are writing about it in order to vent our own emotions in a very public manner.
As long as it is an interesting topic to write about, we probably should go ahead and post to our blogs about it. But when it is just to vent our emotions, perhaps it is time for a break from blogging. Because while we can write about just about anything, there is hardly ever a need to do so; especially when we ~ because of our own, intense emotions ~ we fail to add a broader perspective to our posts.
And for that very reason, I have taken a break from writing.
As it turns out, I have written hardly anything over the past month or so; taking time for myself. Giving myself the opportunity to regain my footing, before continuing my blogging habit…
And now that I find myself refreshed and rejuvenated; I’m back!
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