Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Fertile ground

As we plan our next steps in life, we always hope the seeds we sow will fall on fertile ground. So that they can germinate, grow roots, and become strong plants. Or trees. We aim to take step after step to nurture these plants, to eventually harvest the outcome of our plan; the result.

As it turns out, it truly doesn’t matter what seeds we sow, nor does it matter what will grow from those seeds. That depends on our intent, on our plan. On how much time and energy we spend nurturing the plants we are growing; how much time and energy we give to the steps needed to ultimately get the results we went for…

Therefore it means that the fertile ground in and of itself doesn’t dictate what will grow from it.
Granted, some types of soil are better for some plants, while other types of soil are more suitable for others. But in the end, the plants that will grow from that fertile soil come from the seeds we chose to sow.

It means that the fertile ground has more to do with ourselves than we may be aware of. It is our desire to move forward, to grow, to manifest, to be productive in whichever way we want to in any particular situation or period in our lives. If we have a strong desire to take the necessary steps and keep with it, the ground we stand on will be fertile. There will not be any question whether the seeds we sow will grow into strong plants that will provide us with an abundant harvest. On the other hand, if we are uncertain of our plans, unclear on the outcome we desire, chances are the ground will prove to be less fertile…
When we plan all kinds of things without ever really going for any of them; never truly putting in the time and energy to make any plan we instigated become manifest in our lives; we may even find the ground we are standing on becoming ‘shifty’. Like loose sand without any nourishing factors. And the seeds we sow may just start tumbling in the wind and be lost to us, never growing into plants, just like our plans never grow into projects.

Planning whatever we want to accomplish is a good thing! Whether it will lead to the desired result depends on how strong our desire is to get to the point of ‘harvest’; if we will keep taking steps toward the result manifesting in our lives.

That then will determine if the ground we are sowing the seeds on turns out to be fertile or not.

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