Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Spring is that season that, for me at least, always has a certain jumpiness associated with it. With all of nature sprouting new leaves, and new energies jumping out at us… One day everything still seems dormant and quiet, and the next day suddenly there is life and color wherever we look!

All at once every bird starts singing even more loudly ~ beautiful songs often meant to mark their territories in which they are now building their nests. And while we may not see it as easily with the smaller song-birds, all birds are gathering the best materials for their particular nests. So its s not uncommon to see crows picking up paper scraps and old leaves to ensure a safe and soft environment for the eggs to be laid and their chicks to be born into.

From one day to the next even our pets act differently. No longer that interested in staying indoors, close to the heater; they are now yearning to go outside to soak up the early rays of the sun.

For us people this sudden change in energy may instigate a desire to clean up: Spring cleaning. It used to be just that; a thorough cleanse of our houses after having lived in relatively close quarters all Winter long. Yet nowadays it seems to be as much a decision making process, a determination as to what we still want to keep close to us, and what we can discard of in order to create space for new things to come into our lives. A matter of discernment as to what still holds value to us, and what belongs in the past and as such has become baggage we no longer need to, or even desire to carry with us.

How we go about that depends on how we react to the Spring energy and is therefore a very individual thing. Some of us are organized and take it one step at a time; one cupboard at a time; one room at a time. Others may seem to jump around as if they are moving around on a ‘pogo-stick’.
Either way, after some time we have created the space we feel we need in our lives at this point in time. And just like that the ‘jumpy’ Spring energy changes, bringing the energy of anticipation into our lives. The expectancy of new things to pop up…

Whichever way we look at it; whatever way we work with it, Spring energy brings excitement into our lives. Just what we needed after the quiet Winter months!

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