It has been said that there is always help when we need it. All we need to do is ask.
This is true for practical, physical help as well as for help on a more energetic or even spiritual level. But where it is clear how to get the help we desire on a practical level ~ after all, we can ask for it and then in all likelihood the other person will either say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ ~ on an energetic or spiritual level it may not quite be as straightforward as the answer is not always as easy to be heard…
Sometimes the more spiritual answers or help will just appear in our lives, yet often we have to go to that quiet place within. We may have to take a couple of deep breaths to clear our heads to be able to hear that soft whisper of our inner wisdom.
On top of that, we have to be open to any ‘wise whispers’ we hear. After all, if we knew the answer already, we probably wouldn’t have asked for help in the first place. And then we may find that the answer or help that is offered, is so different from what we thought we wanted that it is sometimes hard to accept.
The ‘wise whispers’ from within ourselves will tell us what we need to hear rather than what we want to hear…
So, one one hand it is important to recognize when help arrives at our doorstep, and to be grateful for it ~ even if it comes in an unexpected, even unanticipated form. On the other hand we need to take the time to truly listen in order to perceive what we are told.
This means that in order to access the help that is at our fingertips, we may need to stop talking, stop planning, perhaps even stop controlling everything that happens with us and around us ~ and to just be quiet for a couple of moments.
To see what is there rather than to direct things in such a way we think it ‘has to be’. To let the answers come up, rather than to fill in the blanks.
In other words, it would probably serve us well to visit that quiet space within, and to take some time to listen to whatever ‘wise whispers’ we can discern ~ without discarding them immediately because they are different from what we are thinking they should be.
We may find that the help we get in that quiet space within is more beneficial to us, than anything we could have planned for…
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