Friday, May 2, 2014


Tomorrow always holds a lot of promise; there are always things we are planning to do, new adventures to start, things that we are awaiting with anticipation that will happen tomorrow…

Most of those things we have planned for. We have been wanting to do or experience them for some time, we planned it, we set it up, penciled it into our calendars… And now it is almost there! Tomorrow it will finally happen!
A little bit like the anticipation we may have felt when we were children and our birthday was ‘only three nights away’. And then only two nights; and then it was tomorrow…
As children, we were certain that our birthdays ~ or whatever other adventure we were anticipating ~ really would happen tomorrow; and we were sure that they would bring everything we hoped for and more.

As adults, the promise of tomorrow may have become a little bit more dualistic.
Yes, there are still those things we have planned that will happen tomorrow. And as tomorrow becomes today, these things happen and we (hopefully) enjoy them; enjoy the experience of them. As time moves on, they have happened yesterday and they are something to look back upon. A memory to be cherished.
On the other hand there are also things we promise ourselves we will do tomorrow.
Often things we may not enjoy as much, things we may even be a bit fearful about ~ either because we are not certain we can actually get it done, stick with it, or even dare do it when we are faced with the whole package of it. For instance, things like starting that diet; starting to get into shape; to stop smoking. Or even the decision that whatever happened to us years ago will not any longer influence our lives in a negative way anymore…
These type of things may not ~ as time progresses ~ actually ever come into our lives today. They may always be the promise we make to ourselves that we will start them tomorrow. We will do it tomorrow…

When we do this with something we know we probably should do, but we are really not feeling up to actually doing it ~ we are not living in the moment. At least as far as this aspect of our lives is concerned, we are living in the future ~ always looking at living it, starting it, doing it tomorrow.
What we are really doing, is locking part of our energy up into the future, without ever claiming the results to be our own…

So, let’s promise to ourselves that tomorrow we will just start living ‘now’…

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