Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Where we live

The area we live in has its specific culture, its specific scenery, and it specific energy. And especially when we are born in a certain area or when we have lived in an area for a very long time, we tend to start working with that culture, that scenery and that energy.
Even when we have trouble with the cultural aspects of the area and move away from it as soon as we legally can ~ we may still have a longing for certain aspects of its scenery, its energy as we grow up and grow older; prompting us to revisit it. To re-examine it. To come to terms with it…

The way we work with the scenery can be twofold.
We either thoroughly enjoy the scenery, emerging ourselves in its peaks and valleys as much as we can; or we start finding ways in which we can do our chores in such a manner that these same peaks and valleys hinder us least.
Practically the latter means that we find suitable transportation to easily climb those hills, or move through the fords of the little streams in the valleys.
Yet we are doing the same from an emotional aspect, and even an energy perspective…
In order to avoid an emotional ‘roller-coaster’ that may come with the peaks and valleys in the area ~ feeling really good and on top of the world one moment, while feeling ‘down and out the other ~ we may adopt a continuity of mood, or outlook on life that works for us.

The interesting thing is that this behavior in essence is related to the area we live in, rather than to our state of being.
So when we move away from that area ~ whether we truly move away from it or just are enjoying a vacation ~ we may find ourselves starting to react quite a bit differently to our surroundings. And to the people we meet. Even the things we do, we may find ourselves doing differently…
And while some of that is cultural ~ after all, ‘when in Rome, do as the Romans do’ ~ another part of that is our reaction to the area we are in. How we perceive the energy of that area.
How we look at ‘the lay of the land’…

This means that where we live often a greater impact can have on our sense of self that we may be aware of in our day-to-day lives.
And every once in a while it may be a good thing to look back at trips we have made or other places, other areas we have lived and ‘compare notes’; see how we felt about our lives then, how we got stuff done, how we reacted to situations in that other place…

And when we would do that, we just may surprise ourselves…

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