Friday, November 20, 2015

A small world

Have you ever had an experience like you have traveled abroad for your holidays, and in a restaurant you meet a class mate from high school? Or something similar?
It really is a small world!

This is certainly also the case when we are talking about whatever is happening in the world.
Any newsworthy event often will be broadcasted around the world within minutes of it happening. This means that we don’t have to travel places to unexpectedly meet old friends anymore, in order to tell ourselves and others that it is a small world.
With a continued newscast on whatever is happening in any place in the world, it may well seem that whatever it is, is happening right in our own backyard.

The good thing about it is that we are instantly aware of things that are taking place, and with that awareness comes the opportunity to react immediately ~ be it through sending light and healing, by being angry and engaging in a war-like manner (Not sure if that would do any good, but…), or by sending humanitarian help.
The other side of it is that, as it feels it is happening on everybody’s own backyard, everybody wants to do something about it. Everybody wants a piece of the action, in a sense. Even when they are living half-way across the world…

Then there are any number of perspectives in between; including the positions of countless ‘armchair quarterbacks’ from around the world.

And when everybody has put their two cents in, chances are that the solution is not any closer.
Often because we all react as if it has happened in our own back yard, where we decide on whether to use it for barbecuing or rather plant an ‘English style’ garden. And as we come up with our solution to solve the problem at hand ~ a solution that would work really well in our own back yard ~ it may not help quite as much solving the situation in the actual place where it took place.

Then again, with so many points of view, we should be able to pool our resources more effectively and come up with the ‘perfect solution’ every time.
But this might take ‘bigger people’. People who are willing to listen to each other, who don’t take every word personally. People who stand up for what is truly important, not only to themselves, but to humanity as a whole. People who set out to find solutions rather than win elections, perhaps…

Whichever way we look at it, it seems that the smaller the world gets, the bigger people we need to be!

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