From the moment the hourglass is ‘flipped’, the sands of time start streaming down. Kernel by kernel it falls through the narrow opening making it very visible how the minutes, the hours, the days move by.
The fine, dry sand is almost impossible to grab a hold of. When we would try and hold it in our hands, chances are it will escape through the cracks between our fingers.
Just like time, we cannot stop its movement.
All we can do is watch how the sand in the top part of the hourglass diminishes as it slowly streams into the bottom part…
It can be somewhat hypnotizing to watch. Yet, as it is with time itself, just watching the sand fall from top to bottom is like feeling time slipping away through our fingers.
Like going through the motions, doing whatever is required of us; and yet having this sense that there should be more to life. Having the suspicion that we are missing exactly that one thing that life is all about; that makes all our hard work worthwhile.
That moment when we can sit back for a moment without telling ourselves ~ or being told by others ~ that we should get on with it, because ‘time is wasting’.
Perhaps the answer lies in how we perceive the sands of time.
What if…
Each kernel of sand in the hourglass represents a thought or action ~ even non-action ~ that we take? And each thought we have that is truly self-empowering, each action that is helping ourselves, humanity and even the universe starts moving in slow motion?
Then we can modify our thoughts, words, actions, and experiences in such a way that we ~ eventually ~ will have all the time in the world!
And if all the fine, dry sand on beaches and in deserts represent thoughts and actions from a different point in time? Either washed up on the shore to be re-examined, or patiently waiting for a change in climate that will transform it into fertile soil again.
In that case we may well benefit to listen to the sands of time…
More importantly; time, how we handle it, what we do with it ~ and how it treats us in return ~ are all under our own control. Our personal choices dictate whether time is slipping away from us, or if we ‘have all the time in the world’.
And while that doesn’t seem to have any influence on the clock on the wall ~ we may well find that as we choose to slow down the sands of time in our hourglass, we turn out to be more effective, more productive in whatever we choose to do in our lives, leaving us more time to just enjoy life!
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