It seems that in this point in time the big question ~ one that may shape our lives more than any other question ~ is whether we take the initiative, or rather sit back and wait for that golden opportunity to come our way.
Just looking around, meeting and observing people who, each in their own way, are working so hard to make things work for them; it certainly seems that the time in which ‘Good things come to those who wait!’ has passed.
On the other hand, how much of an initiative should we take? How forceful should we be in ‘making things happen’, before we become too pushy?
Where is that fine line between being patient, and being inactive? That line between ‘making things happen’ and ‘forcing things to go our way’?
There is no one answer to those questions as it is a personal process we go through. It has everything to do with the (personal) choices we make and what we, as an unique individual desire in our lives.
That being said, it does seem that taking the initiative works better nowadays, than to sit and wait for things to happen. Even if that initiative is to ask the Creative Force in a meditation to point you in the right direction.
In other words, we have to let the ‘Powers That Be’ know that we are ready for (some kind of) action. That we are eager to bring new and different things into our lives, and that this ~ at least from our perspective ~ is a good time to get started with it.
On the other hand, when we have always pushed things right to the limit in order to make them happen the way we see fit ~ we may be running into walls more often now than we used to do. It can be a case of taking too much initiative, and perhaps it is time to take a step back and see what comes our way…
In this time of polarities, the point of balance lies somewhere in the middle.
If we don’t start getting the ball rolling, nothing will happen. On the other hand, if we kick that ball far and wide; we may loose that ball altogether.
When we take the initiative ~ based on a plan that suits our personal desires ~ we are entering into a conversation. It is a conversation not just with the other parties needed to make our plan a reality, but also a conversation with the ‘Powers That Be’; that sense that is there often without us being able to truly point at it. It is often expressed as a ‘gut-feel’…
So when we take the initiative, it is a good thing to listen to all the information that comes back to us; be it from people, in energy, or that deep inner gut-feel. And as soon as we do that, chances are we are on a roll!
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