Tuesday, September 13, 2011


The weather. Any time you run out of things to talk about; something to say ~ you can always start talking about the weather. As it turns out, now more so than ever before ~ as the weather patterns seem to be changing so rapidly nowadays...

And as the weather takes another unexpected turn, not only can we just talk about it ~ it is something we can enjoy, or even complain about.
One thing is certain ~ there is plenty to talk about.

Out here, the seasons seem to be shifting forward. Spring came early. Summer was wet. And now Fall has rolled in with a vengeance. Stormy weather. Lightning and thunder. Rain and hail. And all of that way before the turn of the seasons.

As Autumn is here ~ so are the chestnuts, acorns, mushrooms... Flowers that other years would still be in full bloom, now are diminished into watery shadows of their beauty.

I can’t help but wondering if the Winter will come in just as early ~ with just as much conviction. If the Winter will bring us the cold temperatures some of us may remember from our childhood. The ice and snow that have become somewhat less common over the past 20 years or so ~ which now seem to return. Sort of like a practical joke on global warming.

A couple of days ago I heard someone make the argument that as the seasons seem to shift to ever earlier times of the year, Summer vacations probably should follow suit. Say in May, rather than July.

Looking at the differences in the weather; whether it is just a shift in timing or perhaps more a matter of intensity. Whatever the season ~ the weather seems more intense now than it has been in the past. An intensity that is not confined to the weather.
Everything feels more intense. Things, situations, and yes, people. It is as if the calmer, maybe even more ‘long term’ energies have given way to these intense, momentary energies.
And with that comes a sense that what is happening is just for now. We want everything, and we want it now. Because tomorrow we may have lost our interest in what is happening today... Like in our lives the time and focus are shifting forward just as in the weather around us.

The intensity of the weather, and the intensity of our lives put us in a position in which it is harder and harder to relax. To take time to take a deep breath.
Like with the seasons that seem to have ended almost before they have begun ~ we seem to run from one thing to the next without smelling the roses and enjoying life as it happens...

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