Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Break

Everyone needs and deserves a break every once in a while!
A time to step back from whatever is going on ~ whether that is a busy work schedule, a trying time in your personal life, or just ‘life happening’...

What is interesting to me is that while we all need our breaks ~ those times when we take time to smell the roses, when we take some ‘personal time’, or even a vacation to re-charge our batteries ~ deserving a break somehow has a different connotation. Deserving a break seems to imply that we deserve for things to go our way every once in a while. That we can sort of coast along and achieve what we want to achieve without putting in a huge amount of effort ~ at least for a while.
Deserving a break indicates that we are worth for life being easy...

It is also something that is easy to forget.

Whether we need a break, deserve a break or even when we need and deserve a break ~ we still have a tendency to just keep going with the same routine of working and taking care of business ~ as usual. All too often we seem to not give ourselves that much needed, well deserved break. Because there are always plenty things to do. We just keep running our lives the best way we know how to.

Until something happens that turns our lives upside down.

Something that makes us stop in our tracks. Something that questions our priorities. Something that makes us pause and think about what is going on in our lives from a different perspective. That makes us look at what we have always considered as ‘normal’ with new eyes...
It doesn’t even have to involve ourselves; it can also be happening to someone we are close to ~ a family member, or even a co-worker.

There can be a wide variety of things that gives us the opportunity to re-evaluate our lives. It can be a burn-out situation, illness, but also happier things moving to a new place, a birth, a retirement, or as it turns out reaching any milestone in life.
Yet suddenly there is that realization that we are long overdue for a break. A time-out. A pause in which we can observe our lives in order to see if the things that are truly important to us are also placed on top of our to-do list.

And suddenly it becomes really easy to separate the wheat from the chaff. When we actually take that break we so need and deserve ~ we can see with great clarity what goals we want to achieve; and what  ‘stuff’ we can discard because it is just muddying the waters.

All the more reason to actually give ourselves a break on a regular basis...

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