Friday, February 24, 2012


According to the dictionary, there are a number of meanings for ‘passion’:

  • strong and barely controllable emotion
  • a state or outburst of such emotion
  • intense sexual love
  • an intense desire or enthusiasm for something
  • a thing arousing enthusiasm

In our day to day lives passionate emotions as well as intense enthusiasm seem to come to the surface more and more often...

In this time in which polarities seem to have become what it is all about, strong opinions ~ often on either side of any issue ~ come up. And these opinions are then passionately defended.
When this happens it seems only logical that barely controllable emotions start running wild!

On the other hand, those of us that live our lives passionately; those that choose a job or a line of work  stemming from an intense desire to accomplish ‘something good’, may find they become successful beyond their imagination.

This brings up several questions about passion...

  • What is happening in this time that brings out such a passion?
  • How can we channel this passion in such a way that it becomes a productive part of our lives?

It seems clear that we are well beyond the time where our biggest concerns were to not rock the boat; to keep everything the way it was, and when the answer ‘oh, samo, samo’ meant that nothing had changed so everything was good.
Instead we have entered a time of change ~ and everywhere we look things seem to be in movement. And this movement changes everything. It changes us. It changes our jobs, or how we relate to our jobs. It changes our environment, and the world. And it changes how we live our lives.

And to find our way through these times of change, we can have a tendency to take a stand ~ especially on those issues that are important to us. And pretty soon we may find ourselves passionately defending whatever it is we stand for...

The same thing is at play in the things we do, in our jobs.
It seems to be harder and harder to stay in a job that doesn’t bring out our enthusiasm. That only asks for our presence for a certain number of hours each day; that doesn’t give us a sense of accomplishing something ‘good’, something meaningful, something that makes this world a better place...
On the other hand, if we go out on a limb and start following our passion ~ start doing the things that we feel are important, meaningful, helpful... The things we are truly enthusiastic about... Then suddenly a whole new picture of success emerges!

We are passionate people in a changing world.
Following our passion we can help ensure beneficial changes in our lives, our environment, and yes, in the world!

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